
Vijay Viswanathan, Sebastian Tillmanns, Manfred Krafft and Daniel Asselmann’s Research on Customer Referrals Published by Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

The article “Understanding the quality–quantity conundrum of customer referral programs: effects of contribution margin, extraversion, and opinion leadership” which Manfred Krafft has co-authored with Vijay Viswanathan, Sebastian Tillmanns and Daniel Asselmann has been published by the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Read more about Vijay Viswanathan, Sebastian Tillmanns, Manfred Krafft and Daniel Asselmann’s Research on Customer Referrals Published by Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Latest Journal of Marketing Issue 5 (September 2018) featuring Thorsten Wiesel and Raoul Kübler


Journal of Marketing
September 2018, Vol. 82, No. 5, pp. 1-19
"Device Switching in Online Purchasing: Examining the Strategic Contingencies"
by Evert de Haan, P.K. Kannan, Peter C. Verhoef, and Thorsten Wiesel

Link: https://doi.org/10.1509/jm.17.0113

Read more about Latest Journal of Marketing Issue 5 (September 2018) featuring Thorsten Wiesel and Raoul Kübler

Manfred Krafft zu Gast and der BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo

Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft ist vom 27. August bis zum 08. September zu Gast an der BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo. Professor Krafft folgt damit einer Einladung des Marketing Departments des BI. Während seines Aufenthalts führt er ein Seminar für Doktoranden des BI durch und präsentiert zudem im Rahmen eines Forschungsvortrags aktuelle Befunde zu Erfolgsfaktoren im Direktvertrieb.

Read more about Manfred Krafft zu Gast and der BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo

AMA TechSIG Lazaridis Award Presented to Manfred Krafft

At the Summer AMA conference in Boston, Manfred Krafft was awarded the Lazaridis prize for the best paper in the area of “Innovation, Technology and Interactivity” presented by Maria Rouziou (Wilfried Laurier University). The respective publication honored is the paper “Permission Marketing and Privacy Concerns – Why Do Customers (Not) Grant Permissions?”, co-authored with former IfM-PhD Christine M. Arden and Peter C. Verhoef of Groningen. The article was published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Read more about AMA TechSIG Lazaridis Award Presented to Manfred Krafft

MCM researchers at the AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium in Leeds/UK

Thought leaders and emerging scholars from around the world gathered at the University of Leeds for an enriching four days of collaborative learning, innovation and networking. Among them were Professor Manfred Krafft and Julian Allendorf from the Marketing Center Muenster.

Read more about MCM researchers at the AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium in Leeds/UK

Dr. Wayne D. Hoyer from the University of Texas to visit the MCM

The MCM is pleased to welcome Dr. Wayne D. Hoyer from the University of Texas in Austin, USA. He will stay at the MCM from September 5, 2018 for approximately one year. Dr. Hoyer is an expert in Consumer Behavior, Customer Insight, and Marketing Communications. His research encompasses amongst others, Processing and Decision Making, Customer Relationship Management, and Advertising Information Processing.

Read more about Dr. Wayne D. Hoyer from the University of Texas to visit the MCM

Dr. Bodo Lang from the University of Auckland to visit Muenster

The MCM is delighted to welcome Dr. Bodo Lang from the University of Auckland during his visit to Germany. He will stay at the MCM from the 1st to the 10th of August. We are especially glad that he will accompany the team of the Institute of Marketing to a doctoral seminar taking place in Rothenberge.

Read more about Dr. Bodo Lang from the University of Auckland to visit Muenster

Sonja Gensler zur außerplanmäßigen Professorin ernannt

Seit 2016 ist Dr. Sonja Gensler Akademische Oberrätin am IWM. Schon 2012 war sie von der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen an das MCM gewechselt, wo sie zunächst als Akademische Rätin aktiv war. Während dieser Zeit konnte sich Sonja Gensler durch hervorragende Leistungen in Forschung und Lehre auszeichnen. So erhielt sie im März 2018 gemeinsam mit ihren Ko-Autoren Professor Scott Neslin (Dartmouth) und Professor Peter Verhoef (Groningen) für ihren Artikel „The Showrooming Phenomenon: It’s More than Just About Price“ den Best Paper Award der Zeitschrift Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Read more about Sonja Gensler zur außerplanmäßigen Professorin ernannt

Best Paper Award | TechSIG Lazaridis Prize for Manfred Krafft, Christine M. Arden and Peter C. Verhoef

The article “Permission Marketing and Privacy Concerns – Why Do Customers (Not) Grant Permissions?” by Manfred Krafft, Christine M. Arden and Peter C. Verhoef has been awarded as "Best Paper for Research on the Practice of Marketing as it relates to Innovation, Technology and Interactivity" in the Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Read more about Best Paper Award | TechSIG Lazaridis Prize for Manfred Krafft, Christine M. Arden and Peter C. Verhoef
