
Dr. Wayne D. Hoyer from the University of Texas to visit the MCM

The MCM is pleased to welcome Dr. Wayne D. Hoyer from the University of Texas in Austin, USA. He will stay at the MCM from September 5, 2018 for approximately one year. Dr. Hoyer is an expert in Consumer Behavior, Customer Insight, and Marketing Communications. His research encompasses amongst others, Processing and Decision Making, Customer Relationship Management, and Advertising Information Processing.

Read more about Dr. Wayne D. Hoyer from the University of Texas to visit the MCM

Dr. Bodo Lang from the University of Auckland to visit Muenster

The MCM is delighted to welcome Dr. Bodo Lang from the University of Auckland during his visit to Germany. He will stay at the MCM from the 1st to the 10th of August. We are especially glad that he will accompany the team of the Institute of Marketing to a doctoral seminar taking place in Rothenberge.

Read more about Dr. Bodo Lang from the University of Auckland to visit Muenster

Sonja Gensler zur außerplanmäßigen Professorin ernannt

Seit 2016 ist Dr. Sonja Gensler Akademische Oberrätin am IWM. Schon 2012 war sie von der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen an das MCM gewechselt, wo sie zunächst als Akademische Rätin aktiv war. Während dieser Zeit konnte sich Sonja Gensler durch hervorragende Leistungen in Forschung und Lehre auszeichnen. So erhielt sie im März 2018 gemeinsam mit ihren Ko-Autoren Professor Scott Neslin (Dartmouth) und Professor Peter Verhoef (Groningen) für ihren Artikel „The Showrooming Phenomenon: It’s More than Just About Price“ den Best Paper Award der Zeitschrift Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Read more about Sonja Gensler zur außerplanmäßigen Professorin ernannt

Best Paper Award | TechSIG Lazaridis Prize for Manfred Krafft, Christine M. Arden and Peter C. Verhoef

The article “Permission Marketing and Privacy Concerns – Why Do Customers (Not) Grant Permissions?” by Manfred Krafft, Christine M. Arden and Peter C. Verhoef has been awarded as "Best Paper for Research on the Practice of Marketing as it relates to Innovation, Technology and Interactivity" in the Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Read more about Best Paper Award | TechSIG Lazaridis Prize for Manfred Krafft, Christine M. Arden and Peter C. Verhoef

Raoul Kübler joins MCM team of marketing scholars!

The MCM is proud to announce that Raoul Kübler has accepted the offer from the University of Münster to serve as a new Junior Professor of Marketing at the Marketing Center.

His professorship is a tenure-track model which allows the conversion into a Associate/Full Professor position in the next years. Raoul Kübler comes to Münster from Istanbul, where he has been an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Özyeğin University.

Read more about Raoul Kübler joins MCM team of marketing scholars!

Valuable insights at the International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2018 in Bournemouth/UK

From June 13 to 14, Julian Allendorf, doctoral candidate at the Institute of Marketing (IfM), and Verena Visse, master graduate from University of Muenster participated in the International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2018 in Bournemouth. The conference is a dedicated, regular forum where academic food marketers can meet to present their research in various stages of development (from working papers to completed papers) to advance the discipline of academic food marketing.

Read more about Valuable insights at the International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2018 in Bournemouth/UK

MCM researchers at the Academy of Marketing Science Conference in New Orleans/USA

From May 23 to 25, Julian Allendorf, Agnes Sophie Roggentin and Vanessa Steppuhn, all doctoral candidates at the Institute of Marketing (IfM), participated in the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference in New Orleans. The conference on the theme “Boundary Blurred: A Seamless Customer Experience in Virtual and Real Spaces” was co-chaired by Monika Kukar-Kinney (University of Richmond) and Lan Xia (Bentley University).

Read more about MCM researchers at the Academy of Marketing Science Conference in New Orleans/USA

Professor Hennig-Thurau to co-chair the 20th Mallen Conference in Filmed Entertainment Economics!

The prime event in research on the economic side of filmed entertainment, the Mallen Conference, will this year be co-chaired by MCM professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, together with Jannis Funk from Film University Babelsberg, Olav Sorenson (Yale), and Abraham Ravid (Yeshiva New York). The conference, which celebrates the 20th anniversary of the conference series, will be hosted by the MCM in conjunction with Film University Babelsberg and the DFG Research Group 1452 “How Social Media is Changing Marketing” in Potsdam and Berlin from September 26-29.

Read more about Professor Hennig-Thurau to co-chair the 20th Mallen Conference in Filmed Entertainment Economics!

Dr. Mirja Kroschke nimmt an der Thought Leadership Conference on Digital Business Models teil

Anfang April hat Mirja Kroschke an der Thought Leadership Conference on Digital Business Models, ausgerichtet vom Groningen Digital Business Center & Signature Area Digital Business Models , teilgenommen. Mit Kollegen aus Groningen, von der LMU, der University of Arizona und der NU Singapore hat sich Mirja Kroschke bei der zweitägigen Konferenz intensiv mit Fragestellungen zu „Digital Responsibility & Ethics“ beschäftigt. In den anderen interdisziplinären Gruppen wurden u.a. analytische Fragestellungen, das Interface von Marketing und Logistik sowie smarte Produkte diskutiert.

Read more about Dr. Mirja Kroschke nimmt an der Thought Leadership Conference on Digital Business Models teil

MCM researchers at the Marketing Strategy Consortium and the Enhancing Sales Force Productivity Conference in Columbia/USA

Thought leaders and emerging scholars from around the world gathered at the University of Missouri for an enriching two days of collaborative learning and innovation. The inaugural Marketing Strategy Consortium brought together 44 fellows representing six countries, as well as doctoral faculty and researchers from leading universities from across North America and Europe.

Read more about MCM researchers at the Marketing Strategy Consortium and the Enhancing Sales Force Productivity Conference in Columbia/USA
