JPM Kübler

Socially (IR)Responsible Algorithms: How the internet can betray our privacy - Seminar Wrap-Up

Social media has changed the way we interact and communicate. It provides us with great opportunities to meet with friends and colleagues all over the world. It delivers interesting information on a daily base and makes us continuously discover new things. It keeps us up to date and helps us to navigate through a rocky and often overwhelmingly complex world. By nurturing us with the necessary knowledge and giving us the needed bonds with our peers, social media has become a vital part of our daily life. 

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Why are discounters focusing on organic products? – Interview with Professor Krafft by Radio RST

Around 80 percent of people in Germany regularly or occasionally buy organic products. More and more of them are also available from discounters. According to a recent study conducted by the Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, discounters are consumers’ second most important point of contact for purchasing organic products. Against this background, Radio RST is pursuing the goal of examining this trend in greater detail as part of the broadcast series "Bio vom Discounter".

Read more about Why are discounters focusing on organic products? – Interview with Professor Krafft by Radio RST

Advice for retailers: How to better leverage data from and for valuable customer relationships

Professor Krafft, MCM scholar and head of the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM), is the lead author of the study “Insight is Power: Understanding the Terms of the Consumer-Firm Data Exchange”, co-authored by a multinational research team consisting of, among others, V. Kumar, Colleen Harmeling, Siddharth Singh, Ting Zhu, and Jialie Chen.

Read more about Advice for retailers: How to better leverage data from and for valuable customer relationships

Manfred Krafft Delivers the Laudatory Speech for Professor Sönke Albers as the Recipient of the 2020 Sales SIG Lifetime Achievement Award

A large virtual audience, consisting of distinguished scholars, friends, and family members, gathered across time zones, countries, and continents on February 19 to honor Professor Sönke Albers for his outstanding academic contributions. Professor Albers, who is connected to all senior and junior faculty members of the Marketing Center Münster, was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Special Interest Group on Selling and Sales Management (Sales SIG) at the 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference.

Read more about Manfred Krafft Delivers the Laudatory Speech for Professor Sönke Albers as the Recipient of the 2020 Sales SIG Lifetime Achievement Award

„Disney+ hatte einen Doppeleffekt“ - Professor Hennig-Thurau in Blickpunkt:Film über die aktuellen Veränderungen in der TV- und Streamingbranche

Mit dem Aufkommen von Video-Streamingdiensten hat sich die Medienlandschaft grundlegend gewandelt. Während TV-Sender Anfang der 2000er Jahre den Bewegtbildmarkt dominierten, sehen sich die Fernsehhäuser heute mit neuen Konkurrenten wie Netflix oder Amazon Prime Video konfrontiert. Mit Disney+ stieg Anfang 2020 ein weiterer namhafter Wettbewerber in das Streaminggeschäft ein – der erste Streamer „Made in Hollywood“, dem weitere Unterhaltungskonzerne folgen werden.

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