
IfM research fellow Dr. Jonas Schmidt is awarded the best dissertation price in economics

The Rector of the University of Münster and the Prorector for Strategic Human Resources Development, Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels and Prof. Dr. Maike Tietjens, presented the dissertation prize in a video call to the authors of the 14 best dissertations from the 14 departments of the university. Since a ceremonial presentation was not possible due to the Corona pandemic, the Rectorate chose the digital way to congratulate the graduates personally.

Read more about IfM research fellow Dr. Jonas Schmidt is awarded the best dissertation price in economics

Advice for retailers: How to better leverage data from and for valuable customer relationships

The new study “Insight is Power: Understanding the Terms of the Consumer-Firm Data Exchange” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Retailing. The paper has been co-authored by Professor Krafft and a multinational research team consisting of, among others, V. Kumar, Colleen Harmeling, Siddharth Singh, Ting Zhu, and Jialie Chen.

Read more about Advice for retailers: How to better leverage data from and for valuable customer relationships

Stanford study recognizes Prof. Hennig-Thurau as leading marketing and business scholar

In a new study conducted by Stanford University scholars and published by prestigious PLOS Biology journal in October 2020, Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau from the Marketing Center Münster is listed as one of the world's leading scholars in the field of marketing and business/economics. In the ranking, which includes the Top 2% global scientists across a wide range of academic disciplines, Hennig-Thurau is ranked 2nd among all marketing scholars in Germany and 63rd among all marketing scientists globally.

Read more about Stanford study recognizes Prof. Hennig-Thurau as leading marketing and business scholar
JPM Kübler

MCM Scholars Kai Manke and Raoul Kübler win IMRC's "Most Promising Research" Award

MCM scholars Kai Manke (LMM) and Raoul Kübler (JPM&MA) win together with Professor Koen Pauwels from Northeastern University Boston the inaugural “Most Promising Research” Award of this year’s Interactive Marketing Research conference sponsored by the Lazaridis Institute of Technology.

In their award-winning research study “An Analysis of Social Media Engagement in the Case of the 2016 US Presidential Elections“ the international team examines how the social media strategies of the two presidential candidates drove the election outcome in 2016.

Read more about MCM Scholars Kai Manke and Raoul Kübler win IMRC's "Most Promising Research" Award

Successful doctoral seminar of the IfM under unusual circumstances

In the middle of October, the team from the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) spent its annual doctoral seminar at the Landhaus Rothenberge to discuss current research projects of its doctoral students. Although the format stems from a long tradition, this year's event took place under quite different circumstances due to the Corona pandemic. Not only were the applicable hygiene guidelines self-evidently followed, but also ways of digital communication were used to enable all team members an equally beneficial participation.

Read more about Successful doctoral seminar of the IfM under unusual circumstances

"The shopping atmosphere must be right"

Interview with Professor Krafft about the wishes of supermarket customers

In conversation with the press office of the University of Muenster, Prof. Dr. Krafft gave insights into his findings on the buying behavior and wishes of today’s supermarket customers. He states that, on the one hand, some customers have an increasing need for a fast and hassle-free purchasing process, while on the other hand, others value a broad assortment, enough personnel, and an enjoyable atmosphere.

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Paper on the fourth industrial revolution by Professor Krafft et al. published at JIM

The research paper “Challenges and Opportunities for Marketing Scholars in Times of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” by Professor Manfred Krafft (IfM), Professor Laszlo Sajtos (University of Auckland), and Professor Michael Haenlein (ESCP Business School) is now available at the Journal of Interactive Marketing (JIM).

Read more about Paper on the fourth industrial revolution by Professor Krafft et al. published at JIM

Umsatz durch Transformation

IfM-Wissenschaftler untersuchen Neuausrichtung von Einzelhandelsfiliale

Der Wettbewerbsdruck treibt viele stationäre Einzelhändler zu Investitionen: Um sich von Wettbewerbern abzugrenzen, gestalten die großen Lebensmitteleinzelhändler Aldi, Rewe, Edeka und Real ihre Filialen grundlegend um. Das Ziel der Einzelhändler liegt darin, den angestammten Kundenkreis zu binden und neue Kunden hinzuzugewinnen.

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Internationales Hochschulranking: Bestnoten für die Universität Münster

Spitzenplätze in zahlreichen Fächern

Die Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU) hat bei dem aktuellen internationalen Hochschulranking „U-Multirank“ in mehreren Bereichen in der Spitzengruppe gepunktet. So erzielte die WWU im Bereich Forschung in der Kategorie „meist zitierte Publikationen“ und im Bereich internationale Orientierung in der Kategorie „internationales akademisches Personal“ jeweils die Bestnote „sehr gut“. Beim Wissenstransfer kam die WWU in den Kategorien „Ko-Publikationen mit Industriepartnern“ und „in Patenten zitierte Publikationen“ ebenfalls auf die Note sehr gut.

Read more about Internationales Hochschulranking: Bestnoten für die Universität Münster
