The team of the IfM spends productive seminar days on top of the Rothenberg

From August 11 to 13, the team of the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) spent its annual research retreat at Landhaus Rothenberge to discuss current research projects. Of course, the applicable hygiene guidelines were adhered to, so that the meanwhile fully vaccinated team was able to make the best possible use of the days.
Traditionally, the days at Rothenberge were dominated by presentations by the doctoral students on their current research projects. The broad spectrum of research topics at the Chair of Marketing Management became particularly clear. Topics around sustainable customer loyalty programs, solution selling and pricing strategies in a B2B context, political marketing, social identity in consumer behavior, brand activism, healthcare marketing, and interpersonal influence tactics were explored in depth.
As a result of the interactive and fruitful discussions, all team members were able to take away valuable information for further work on their projects. In addition, Professor Krafft provided his team with helpful insights into Grounded Theory as well as Theories-in-Use approaches, which usefully complemented the PhD students' presentations.
As a balance to the lectures and discussions, sports, a visit to Lake Offlum, go-karting and board games provided a well-deserved relaxation.