1st Lecture | Market-oriented Leadership
IWM sucht studentische Hilfskräfte

Das Institut für Wertbasiertes Marketing (IWM) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiesel, sucht studentische Hilfskräfte (mind. 5h/Woche).
Schicken Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung (inkl. Lebenslauf und aktuellem Notenauszug) bitte in digitaler Form an Christopher Stein (c.stein@uni-muenster.de).
1st Lecture | Advanced Market Research
MCM Goes EMAC: Strong Presence of MCM Scholars at Leading European Marketing Conference

From May 28th until May 31st 2019, the 48th EMAC Annual Conference was held in Hamburg, with more than 1,000 scholarly attendants from all over Europe and the world. The conference provides a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of current academic research projects, panel discussions, and special sessions with thought leaders in their respective fields. Scholars from different areas of the MCM took part in all those different activities.
1st Lecture | Retail Management (B.Sc.)
1st Lecture | Channel Management (M.Sc.)
When Our MBAs Met a Legend – Marketing Talk with Prof. Heribert Meffert

At the invitation of Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Prof. Sonja Gensler, the students of Münster University’s Marketing MBA program had the opportunity to attend a special event with Prof. Heribert Meffert on March 26th 2019. During his talk, which took place 50 years after he became Germany’s inaugural marketing professor, Prof.
IWM Courses Channel Management and Retail Management
The course Channel management starts on 05.04.2019. The first session in the course Retail Management is dated 09.04.2019.