
IWM sucht studentische Hilfskräfte

Studentische Hilfskräfte für die Programmierung von Webapplikationen am Institut für Wertbasiertes Marketing

Das Institut für Wertbasiertes Marketing (IWM) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiesel, sucht studentische Hilfskräfte (mind. 5h/Woche).

Schicken Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung (inkl. Lebenslauf und aktuellem Notenauszug) bitte in digitaler Form an Christopher Stein (c.stein@uni-muenster.de).

Read more about IWM sucht studentische Hilfskräfte

MCM Goes EMAC: Strong Presence of MCM Scholars at Leading European Marketing Conference

From May 28th until May 31st 2019, the 48th EMAC Annual Conference was held in Hamburg, with more than 1,000 scholarly attendants from all over Europe and the world. The conference provides a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of current academic research projects, panel discussions, and special sessions with thought leaders in their respective fields. Scholars from different areas of the MCM took part in all those different activities.

Read more about MCM Goes EMAC: Strong Presence of MCM Scholars at Leading European Marketing Conference
