
Publications of Dr. Sonja Gensler currently belong to the most successful articles in JIM

The article of Dr. Sonja Gensler (co-authored with Franziska Völckner, Yuping Liu-Thompkins and Caroline Wiertz) “Managing Brands in the Social Media Environment” was a runner-up (one of the three finalists) for the 2014 Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing (JIM) during 2013.

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Most downloaded article published in Journal of Interactive Marketing by Dr. Gensler

The article of Dr. Sonja Gensler (co-authored with Lisette de Vries and Prof. Leeflang) “Popularity of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Investigation of the Effects of Social Media Marketing” has been the top downloaded Journal of Interactive Marketing full-text article of the first half of 2013.

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Dr. Gensler awarded for runner-up

The article of Dr. Sonja Gensler (co-authored with Lisette de Vries and Prof. Leeflang) “Popularity of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Investigation of the Effects of Social Media Marketing” is a runner-up (one of the three finalists) for the 2013 Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing during 2012. It is the 11thyear in succession that the awards for the best paper published in JIM are given. Winners are selected through a voting process involving members of the JIM Editorial Review Board.

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New article by Dr. Gensler on self-selection effects in an online banking setting

The article “Comparing methods to separate treatment from self-selection effects in an online banking setting,” co-authored by Dr. Sonja Gensler, Prof. Peter S.H. Leeflang (Professor of Marketing at University of Groningen), and Prof. Bernd Skiera (Professor of Marketing at University of Frankfurt) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Research.

Read more about New article by Dr. Gensler on self-selection effects in an online banking setting

Radiointerview mit Sonja Gensler über persönliche Shoppingberatung via Internet

Sonja Gensler vom Institut für Wertbasiertes Marketing wurde als E-Commerce-Expertin zu dem Thema des Online-Personal-Shoppings interviewt. Sie erläutert Gründe, warum das Konzept Kunden anlockt und welche Vorzüge das Angebot auch für den Dienstleister selbst bietet. Online-Personal-Shopping ist eine weitere E-Commerce-Innovation, bei der Kunden ihre persönliche Modeberatung erhalten, was bisher nur im klassischen Ladenlokal möglich war. 

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