
Joe Hair increases FIT between Muenster and Structural Equation Modeling

Muenster’s marketing academics enjoyed a fully packed week of hard work and hard fun with “multivariate legend” Professor Dr. Joe F. Hair, who not only taught students on the intricacies of both structural equation modeling, but also gave interesting insights by reflecting on his long and successful academic career. Although Professor Hair could not fully hide his enthusiasm for partial least squares, he covered also the covariance-based approach of structural equation modeling in his course.

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Professor Hennig-Thurau co-chairs WOM workshop at University of Zaragoza

Together with Michael Haenlein, Professor of Marketing at the business school ESCP Europe, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau were invited to co-chair a two-day workshop on “Word of Mouth and Social Media Marketing in the Digital Era” at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. The event, in which ten doctoral students and professors presented their work in the field and got feedback from the audience and the co-chairs, was organized by Professor Dr.

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Professor Manfred Krafft appointed as EMAC Fellow

In recognition of his significant and enduring contributions to the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and his achievements of high levels of scholarship and as a leader in the field of marketing, Manfred Krafft has been appointed as EMAC fellow. Together with him, Ajay Kohli (Atlanta/USA, previous editor of Journal of Marketing) and Peter Verhoef (Groningen, VP Membership of EMAC) have been appointed as new fellows of EMAC. EMAC represents more than 1,000 European scholars in Marketing. The board of fellows consists of 17 recognized scholars, who stay fellows until their retirement.

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Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer serves as Track Chair for the Summer AMA 2017

The prestigious American Marketing Association holds the annual Summer AMA conference 2017 in San Francisco, California. For this distinguished conference, Dr. An-Kristin Kupfer serves as chair for the “Digital Marketing, Social Media, and Entertainment Marketing” track, together with Professor Dr. Natasha Foutz from the University of Virginia.

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IfM-Doktorandin forscht an der University of Auckland in Neuseeland

Von Februar bis März wird die IfM-Mitarbeiterin Mirja Bues einen Forschungsaufenthalt am Marketing Department der Business School der University of Auckland verbringen. An diesem Marketing Department, das zu den führenden in der Asien-PazifikRegion zählt, forscht auch Professor Krafft seit Januar für ein halbes Semester.

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Professor Manfred Krafft als Key Note Speaker beim Österreichischen Marketingforum

Auf dem 33. Österreichischen Marketingforum, das am 14. Oktober in Linz stattfand, trat Professor Manfred Krafft als Key Note Speaker auf. Sein Vortrag zu „Customer Intelligence Agency – Quelle dauerhafter Wettbewerbsvorteile?" war zugleich Impulsgeber der gesamten Veranstaltung, die unter dem Motto „Konkurrenzkampf ist Intelligenzkampf" stand.

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Doktorandenseminar in Kooperation mit der University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Das diesjährige Doktorandenseminar führte das Lehrstuhlteam um Professor Krafft vom 6. bis 8. September nach Schottland. Zusammen mit zehn PhD-Studierenden und Professoren des Department of Marketing der Business School an der University of Strathclyde in Glasgow wurden methodische und inhaltliche Fragen verschiedener aktueller Forschungsprojekte diskutiert. Mirja Bues und Professor Manfred Krafft trugen zudem Erkenntnisse aus aktuellen Studien vor. Anschließend bot Dr.

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2016 Dissemination Award presented to Professor Manfred Krafft

During the previous week at a special session of the annual Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI), also held at Aston, Howard and Sally Stevens, co-founders of SEF, presented Professor Manfred Krafft with the 2016 Dissemination Award. Dr. Krafft is the first international recipient of this annual award, begun by a partnership between SEF and Neil Rackham to honor an individual who has advanced the sales profession through the sharing of sales specific research.

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Register now for the International Conference "Big Data, Big Movies: How Algorithms Transform the Film & TV Industry"

Come to Potsdam & Berlin this September and get inspired, discuss, explore, learn, find out, & celebrate when worlds collide: those of Big Data and Grand Entertainment, of Academia and Practice, of Market Leaders and Innovators.

Read more about Register now for the International Conference "Big Data, Big Movies: How Algorithms Transform the Film & TV Industry"
