
Professor Krafft participates in „Ask the Experts“ videos by the Direct Selling Educational Foundation

The Direct Selling Educational Foundation (DSEF) has set up a new program “Ask the Experts” in which experts are interviewed on topics that relate to direct selling as distribution channel. The purpose of DSEF’s Ask the Experts videos is to demystify as well as mainstream the channel to both the public and key audiences (academics and students). In addition, member companies of the Direct Selling Association may also find these videos useful in countering critics. Professor Krafft who has been recently appointed as DSEF Fellow participated in this new initiative and talks about e.g.

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Research presentation in the land of the Vikings

On November 16 and 17, Manfred Krafft traveled to Norway, following an invitation by his colleagues at BI Oslo. In BI‘s research seminar, he presented a study on the interplay of music and light in a retail context. Almost all 35 members of BI‘s marketing department attended Professor Krafft‘s presentation and contributed to a very lively discussion. Several colleagues used the visit of Manfred Krafft to discuss their ideas for future research as well.

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LMM Scholars at the Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City

On November 9th and 10th, Dr. Thorsten Henig-Thurau and Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer attended the 19th Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City. The prestigious event, which combines scientific presentations and discussions with industry guests, was held in cooperation by the New York University, Yeshiva University and Yale University. Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer presented scholarly insights on the management of complex brand portfolios, using the case of the Marvel universe.  

Read more about LMM Scholars at the Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City

Mirja Bues mit dem Best Retail Proposal Award der 2017 SMA Doctoral Dissertation Competition ausgezeichnet

Für ihr Dissertationsprojekt “Mobile In-Store Advertising: Understanding the Trade-off between Personalization Benefits and Privacy Concerns” wurde Mirja Bues mit dem Jean-Charles Chebat Best Retail Proposal Award im Rahmen der 2017 SMA Doctoral Dissertation Competition ausgezeichnet. Der Preis wurde auf der Society of Marketing Advances-Konferenz Anfang November in Louisville, Kentucky, verliehen. Frau Bues zeigt in ihrer Studie, dass die Effektivität personalisierter mobiler Werbung von der Informationsart, die zur Personalisierung verwendet wird, abhängig ist.

Read more about Mirja Bues mit dem Best Retail Proposal Award der 2017 SMA Doctoral Dissertation Competition ausgezeichnet

Article by Mirja Bues accepted for presentation at the ICIS 2017

The article “The Influence of Social Cues on Users’ Information Disclosure Intentions – The Case of Mobile Apps” by Mirja Bues and Michael Steiner (University of Witten-Herdecke) has been accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Information Systems 2017 and for publication in the ICIS Proceedings (Jourqual: A).

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Julian Allendorf participated in the 2nd EMAC Research Camp at the University of Vienna

From August 31 to September 1, Julian Allendorf, doctoral candidate at the Institute of Marketing (IfM), participated in the second EMAC Research Camp in Vienna. The EMAC Junior Faculty & Doctoral Student Research Camp is an initiative by the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) with the aim of raising the research capability of new/young researchers embarking on an academic career. Besides worldwide leading faculty in the field of marketing, 19 doctoral students and junior researchers were among the workshop participants.

Read more about Julian Allendorf participated in the 2nd EMAC Research Camp at the University of Vienna

Article by Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft available online at International Journal of Research in Marketing

The article "Social influence in the adoption of a B2B loyalty program: The role of elite status members" by Manfred Krafft together with Vijay Viswanathan (Medill IMC Department, Northwestern University, United States) and F. Javier Sese (Marketing Department, University of Zaragoza, Spain) is now available at International Journal of Research in Marketing.

Read more about Article by Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft available online at International Journal of Research in Marketing

Article by Manfred Krafft accepted for publication in IJRM

The article "Social Influence in the Adoption of a B2B Loyalty Program: The Role of Elite Status Members" by Vijay Viswanathan (Northwestern University), Javier Sese (Universidad de Zaragoza) and Manfred Krafft has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM). The article will probably appear in issue 4 of IJRM this year (Volume 34).

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Professor Manfred Krafft in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN

With his manuscript “Join, Stay, Leave: A Study of Direct-Selling Distributors”, Manfred Krafft (together with Anne T. Coughlan (Northwestern University/Chicago) and Julian Allendorf (University of Muenster)) is in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.

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Neue Serie zu deutschen Marketing-Departments: Die absatzwirtschaft stellt das MCM vor – als Erstes!

Wo findet in Deutschland Spitzenforschung im Marketing statt? Dieser Frage geht die führende Marketingzeitschrift absatzwirtschaft in einer neuen Serie nach – und beginnt in Münster am MCM. In einem vierseitigen Artikel beschreibt Peter Hanser die Entwicklung des MCMs von den Anfängen bis heute, stellt die Professoren mit ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten vor und berichtet von den Erfolgen des MCM in Forschung und Lehre.

Read more about Neue Serie zu deutschen Marketing-Departments: Die absatzwirtschaft stellt das MCM vor – als Erstes!
