
Anne Coughlan zu Besuch am IfM

Vom 22. bis 25. Oktober war Professor Anne T. Coughlan von der Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management zu Besuch am Institut für Marketing. Zuvor nahm die Inhaberin des Polk Bros. Chair in Retailing am World Passenger Symposium in Hamburg teil, das durch die International Air Transport Association (IATA) ausgerichtet wurde. Während ihrer Zeit in Münster wurden aktuelle Forschungsprojekte zu Themen des Multi-Level-Marketing diskutiert und weiterentwickelt.

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Bachelor in Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität in Istanbul

An der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität (TDU) in Istanbul startete planungsgemäß zum Wintersemester 2015/16 der Studiengang Bachelor in Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL). 30 Studenten nahmen ihr Studium neu auf wodurch sich nun schon drei Kohorten in der Ausbildung befinden. Gegenüber den Vorjahren war bei der diesjährigen Einschreibung eine enorme Steigerung der Nachfrage zu verzeichnen.

Read more about Bachelor in Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität in Istanbul

JPSSM Best Paper and Reviewer Awards 2014

Prof. Manfred Krafft handed out the 2014 Marvin Jolson Award to Jessica Ogilvie, Nikolaos Panagopoulos and Adam Rapp (from left to right). Daniel G. Bachrach, who co-authored the award winning paper on „Salespeople as knowledge brokers: a review and critique of the challenger sales model“ (JPSSM, Vol. 34, issue 4, pp. 245-259) could not attend the Sales SIG reception.

Read more about JPSSM Best Paper and Reviewer Awards 2014

Thought Leaders in Customer Engagement and CRM Conference in Paris

45 leading scholars met in Paris from June 3 to 5 to discuss emerging research in the areas of customer engagement and customer relationship management. The conference was hosted in the heart of Paris next to Champs Elysees. Manfred Krafft and Sebastian Tillmanns from the Institute of Marketing participated in this „by invitation only“ conference. The last session was chaired by Manfred Krafft, who also presented a paper on „To a Better Understanding of Customer Engagement in Online Retailing: Drivers and Consequences of eWOM“.

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Sales Education Foundation names the Study Program in Marketing at the Westphalian Wilhelms-University Muenster on 2015 “Other Notable” list of Top Universities for Professional Sales Education

The study program in Marketing at the Westphalian Wilhelms-University Muenster was recognized by the Sales Education Foundation as a notable program in the just released 2015 ANNUAL magazine.  These university sales programs are recognized for building sales curricula that prepare students for careers in professional selling and helping to elevate the sales profession.  Most are expanding their offering to include additional classes and internships which will make them eligible for the “Top Program” listing.

Read more about Sales Education Foundation names the Study Program in Marketing at the Westphalian Wilhelms-University Muenster on 2015 “Other Notable” list of Top Universities for Professional Sales Education

Professor Krafft in den USA und Finnland

Auf Einladung seines Kollegen Paul Viio und der  reiste Professor Krafft vom 11. bis 13. April für zwei Vorträge nach Helsinki. Zum einen präsentierte er im Rahmen einer B2B Marketing-Vorlesung ausgewählte Befunde aus zwei empirischen Vertriebsstudien, zum anderen trug er vor Kollegen aus Helsinki Erkenntnisse vor, wie aus seiner Sicht heutige B2B- und Vertriebsforschung erfolgreich betrieben werden kann und sollte.

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New article on the lessons to be learned from models evaluating the feasibility of Desertec by Professor Backhaus published in Energy

The article "Comparing the Incomparable: Lessons to be learned from models evaluating the feasibility of Desertec" co-authored by Philipp Gausling and Luise Hildebrand, has been published in the current issue of Energy (volume 82). Overall, the authors findings demonstrate that the models’ comparability is limited due to varying assumptions, but, more importantly, that the models do not account for uncertainty comprehensively and omit important risks.

Read more about New article on the lessons to be learned from models evaluating the feasibility of Desertec by Professor Backhaus published in Energy
