
Marketing Students from Münster Win International Advertising Award!

On November 28th 2019, a group of MCM marketing students secured a remarkable third place in the talents category of the prestigious Neptun Cross Media Award in Hamburg. The students had to develop an advertising campaign for the Münster lemonade brand liba as a final project for this summer’s “Integrated Marketing Communications” (IMC) class hold by MCM professor Raoul Kübler.

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SALTY Conference 2019 in Vienna

Also this year the academic family “SALTY“ of professor Sönke Albers (KLU) met to discuss the latest developments in Marketing. Following the invitation from professor Nadia Abou Nabout, the SALTY conference took place in Vienna from September 22 to September 24, 2019. Represented by professor Manfred Krafft, professor Sonja Gensler, professor Raoul Kübler, as well as nine research assistants, the Marketing Center Münster showed strong presence.

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Julian Allendorf gewinnt Wissenschaftspreis des BDD

Verleihung der Wissenschaftsawards 2019 durch den Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland in Berlin

Der Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland (BDD) hatte in 2019 erstmals Preise für hervorragende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten ausgelobt. In der vergangenen Woche fand nun die Verleihung dieser Wissenschaftsawards im Rahmen des diesjährigen Direktvertriebskongresses in Berlin statt. Das Institut für Marketing hatte dabei doppelten Grund zur Freude: Dr. Julian Allendorf erhielt den mit 2.000 Euro dotierten Wissenschaftsaward in der Kategorie „beste Doktorarbeit“.

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Professor Hennig-Thurau offered key note on Entertainment Science at CULTMARTS conference in Bogotá

The conference, which was the first ever of its kind in Colombia and was attended by about 500 managers from the creative industries, took place on September 17 and 18, 2019 at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, one of South America's leading research universities.

Read more about Professor Hennig-Thurau offered key note on Entertainment Science at CULTMARTS conference in Bogotá

How Societal Trends Turn into Successful Advertising: Guest Lecture by Grabarz & Partner

Invited by Professor Raoul Kübler, Grabarz & Partner, one of the most successful German advertising agencies, visited the MCM on July 9th 2019. During their 90-minute presentation as part of the lecture "Integrated Marketing Communications", the communication professionals, who are classified second in the current creative ranking by "Werben & Verkaufen", showed how they convert social trends into successful advertising campaigns.

Read more about How Societal Trends Turn into Successful Advertising: Guest Lecture by Grabarz & Partner

Successful Project Seminar: Data-Driven Marketing at Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

In this year’s project seminar offered by the IfM by Dr. Mirja Kroschke in collaboration with Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, 25 master students with a major in marketing had the opportunity to deal with data-driven marketing issues. Under the supervision of both IfM staff and the Porsche digital marketing communication department, the students worked in groups on topics such as “Customer Journey Optimization” and “Online Marketing KPI and Benchmarking Framework”.

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MCM Scholars receive best paper award

For their paper on store-reinventions, Manfred Krafft and Mirja Kroschke along with their co-authors Els Breugelmans (KU Leuven), Marleen Hermans (KU Leuven) and Murali Mantrala (University of Missouri), have been awarded with the Best Paper Award at the Research on National Brand and Private Label Marketing (NB&PL) International Conference. The conference took place from June 12 to 14 in Barcelona (Spain), and is the primary international forum to present and discuss original, rigorous and significant contributions specifically on NB and PL issues.

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Der "FB4" wird 50 und präsentiert: 4 Abende im Mai mit großem Kino und großen Gästen!

Anlässlich seines 50. Jubiläums lädt der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften der WWU zu vier Kino-Abenden ins Schlosstheater. Auf dem Programm stehen Filmklassiker über Finance, Marketing, Data Analytics und Social Media und im Anschluss Gespräche mit spannenden Gästen.

Read more about Der "FB4" wird 50 und präsentiert: 4 Abende im Mai mit großem Kino und großen Gästen!

50 Years of Marketing in Münster

The MCM celebrates the foundation of the first marketing chair at a German university

1969 marks an important year for the University of Muenster for multiple reasons: Not only has it been the year in which the Muenster School of Business and Economics was founded, but also the year in which Professor Heribert Meffert was appointed professor and founded the first marketing chair at a German university. On April 1, 1969 Professor Meffert took on his new role in Muenster and initiated a successful development of marketing education and research that is still omnipresent today.

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MCM TV proudly presents: "Mallen the Movie"

Documentary filmmaker Paul Rieth has created an eight-minutes look back at last year's 20th anniversary event of the world's primary scholarly conference on the business and economics of filmed entertainment. In 2018, the Mallen conference series moved to Europe for the first time after having been hosted at UCLA, Yale, and New York University, among others, with MCM professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau co-chairing the conference with Berlin-based producer/scholar/entrepreneur Jannis Funk, in cooperation with Abraham S.

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