In the Media

In this section, we provide information about media coverage of MCM members' activities. Books and articles published by members of the MCM are also taken into account.

We regret that it is not always possible to place the original content at the disposal of our readers. If the media providers deny you access to the content in question, you can get in touch with us here.


MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Mark B. Houston

The tenth episode of our video format MCM Spotlight – an interview series featuring distinguished guests of the Marketing Center – is on air! In (more or less) 100 seconds, our interview partners share their fresh perspectives with a large audience of marketing students, scholars, and managers.

Read more about MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Mark B. Houston

MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Dwayne Gremler

The ninth episode of our video format MCM Spotlight – an interview series featuring distinguished guests of the Marketing Center – is on air! In (more or less) 100 seconds, our interview partners share their fresh perspectives with a large audience of marketing students, scholars, and managers.

Read more about MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Dwayne Gremler

„Keine Love Story (mehr)“ - Prof. Hennig-Thurau über junge Kinogänger und die Zukunft des Kinofilms

Auch wenn die Kinobranche beständig neue Einnahmerekorde meldet, ist ihr Verhältnis zu der wichtigsten Kundengruppe, den jungen Zuschauern, längst keine Liebesbeziehung mehr. Stattdessen droht dem Kino ein enormer Bedeutungsverlust, wie eine Analyse von Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau in einem Beitrag für die Branchenzeitschrift „Blickpunkt:Film“ zeigt.

Read more about „Keine Love Story (mehr)“ - Prof. Hennig-Thurau über junge Kinogänger und die Zukunft des Kinofilms

MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Anne Coughlan

MCM Spotlight hits round eight

The eighth episode of our video format MCM Spotlight – an interview series featuring selected MCM guests – is on air! In 100+ seconds, our interview partners share their fresh perspectives with a large audience of marketing students, scholars, and managers.

Read more about MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Anne Coughlan

MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Wayne D. Hoyer

MCM Spotlight meets Wayne D. Hoyer (The University of Texas at Austin)

The seventh episode of our new video format MCM Spotlight – an interview series featuring selected MCM guests – is on air! In (more or less than) 100 seconds, our interview partners share their fresh perspectives with a large audience of marketing students, scholars, and managers.

Read more about MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Wayne D. Hoyer

Word of Mouth im Internet: Professor Hennig-Thurau als Gast im Tagesgespräch bei Bayern 2

Wie objektiv und zuverlässig sind eigentlich Online-Bewertungen? Wie wichtig ist die Meinung anderer für die Kaufentscheidung? Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau erklärt im einstündigen Tagesgespräch mit Moderatorin Christine Krueger bei Bayern 2 und zahlreichen Live-Anrufern, warum Online-Bewertungen eine so große Bedeutung haben -- und dass wir lernen müssen, mit ihren Schwachstellen umzugehen: „Wir müssen lernen, zu den Bewertungsportalen zu gehen, bei denen wir die aussagekräftigsten Informationen kriegen“, sagt Hennig-Thurau.

Read more about Word of Mouth im Internet: Professor Hennig-Thurau als Gast im Tagesgespräch bei Bayern 2

MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Rick Gretz

"Find what you love and do it as best as you can."

The next episode of our new video format MCM Spotlight is "live"!  In more or less (but rather more) 100 seconds, our interview partners share their fresh perspectives with a large audience of marketing students, scholars, and managers.

Read more about MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Rick Gretz