In the Media

In this section, we provide information about media coverage of MCM members' activities. Books and articles published by members of the MCM are also taken into account.

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Stanford study recognizes Prof. Hennig-Thurau as leading marketing and business scholar

In a new study conducted by Stanford University scholars and published by prestigious PLOS Biology journal in October 2020, Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau from the Marketing Center Münster is listed as one of the world's leading scholars in the field of marketing and business/economics. In the ranking, which includes the Top 2% global scientists across a wide range of academic disciplines, Hennig-Thurau is ranked 2nd among all marketing scholars in Germany and 63rd among all marketing scientists globally.

Read more about Stanford study recognizes Prof. Hennig-Thurau as leading marketing and business scholar

„Alle Jahre wieder in Münster“ - die WN über das neue Buch von Professor Hennig-Thurau

Im Winter 1966/67 drehte der aus Münster stammende Regisseur Ulrich Schamoni den Film „Alle Jahre wieder“, der im Dezember bis heute auf dem Spielplan der Münsteraner Kinos steht. Schamoni hat den Film als „Porträt seiner Heimatstadt“ konzipiert und damit ein einmaliges Zeitgemälde der Stadt Münster geschaffen.

Read more about „Alle Jahre wieder in Münster“ - die WN über das neue Buch von Professor Hennig-Thurau
JPM Kübler

MCM Scholars Kai Manke and Raoul Kübler win IMRC's "Most Promising Research" Award

MCM scholars Kai Manke (LMM) and Raoul Kübler (JPM&MA) win together with Professor Koen Pauwels from Northeastern University Boston the inaugural “Most Promising Research” Award of this year’s Interactive Marketing Research conference sponsored by the Lazaridis Institute of Technology.

In their award-winning research study “An Analysis of Social Media Engagement in the Case of the 2016 US Presidential Elections“ the international team examines how the social media strategies of the two presidential candidates drove the election outcome in 2016.

Read more about MCM Scholars Kai Manke and Raoul Kübler win IMRC's "Most Promising Research" Award

Universal-Filme kommen schneller ins Heimkino: Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau im Interview mit

Filme der Universal-Studios dürften zukünftig in den USA schon kurz nach dem Kinostart auch als Stream angeboten werden. Darauf haben sich die Kinokette AMC und Universal geeinigt. Lag die Frist bislang bei 75 bis 90 Tagen, so sieht die aktuelle Vereinbarung vor, dass Kinofilme fortan bereits nach 17 Tagen im Heimkino zu sehen sein können, wenn das Studio dies für sinnvoll hält. Im Gegenzug werden die AMC-Kinos an den Streaming-Erlösen beteiligt. Beide Unternehmen kündigten zudem an, eine ähnliche Vereinbarung auch für den europäischen Markt schließen zu wollen.

Read more about Universal-Filme kommen schneller ins Heimkino: Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau im Interview mit

Three articles by Professor Hennig-Thurau among the “Top 20” most cited articles in IJRM

The research database Scopus has revealed the most cited articles published by the "International Journal of Research in Marketing" (IJRM). IJRM is the official journal of the European Marketing Association and considered an A-journal in the JOURQUAL3 ranking due to its high scientific quality. All articles published in the journal since 2017 qualified for the “most cited” list.

Among the 20 most cited IJRM articles are three papers (co-)authored by researchers affiliated with Münster’s Marketing Center:

Read more about Three articles by Professor Hennig-Thurau among the “Top 20” most cited articles in IJRM

The impact of the Corona crisis on the German economy: A podcast with Professor Manfred Krafft

The German economy has collapsed at record speed due to the corona crisis. While the overall economic performance has declined, some industries such as the aviation or the tourism sector are suffering particularly from the ongoing crisis.

Read more about The impact of the Corona crisis on the German economy: A podcast with Professor Manfred Krafft

"The shopping atmosphere must be right"

Interview with Professor Krafft about the wishes of supermarket customers

In conversation with the press office of the University of Muenster, Prof. Dr. Krafft gave insights into his findings on the buying behavior and wishes of today’s supermarket customers. He states that, on the one hand, some customers have an increasing need for a fast and hassle-free purchasing process, while on the other hand, others value a broad assortment, enough personnel, and an enjoyable atmosphere.

Read more about "The shopping atmosphere must be right"

Umsatz durch Transformation

IfM-Wissenschaftler untersuchen Neuausrichtung von Einzelhandelsfiliale

Der Wettbewerbsdruck treibt viele stationäre Einzelhändler zu Investitionen: Um sich von Wettbewerbern abzugrenzen, gestalten die großen Lebensmitteleinzelhändler Aldi, Rewe, Edeka und Real ihre Filialen grundlegend um. Das Ziel der Einzelhändler liegt darin, den angestammten Kundenkreis zu binden und neue Kunden hinzuzugewinnen.

Read more about Umsatz durch Transformation