In the Media

In this section, we provide information about media coverage of MCM members' activities. Books and articles published by members of the MCM are also taken into account.

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Contemporary Loyalty Programs – Professor Krafft Interviewed in the PIA DYMATRIX Science|Talk

Professor Krafft, head of the Chair of Marketing Management, spoke with Sebastian Fischer as part of the Science|Talk organized by PIA DYMATRIX and shared current research findings on contemporary customer loyalty management. PIA DYMATRIX is one of the leading German software, solution and service providers for data-driven marketing automation in the DACH region.

Read more about Contemporary Loyalty Programs – Professor Krafft Interviewed in the PIA DYMATRIX Science|Talk
JPM Kübler

Prof. Dr. Raoul Kübler talks with Radio Kiepenkerl about creative vaccination offers

Due to the nationwide vaccination week that started on Monday, September 13, 2021, Prof. Dr. Raoul Kübler talked with Radio Kiepenkerl about possible further creative vaccination offers to increase the vaccination rate in Germany. In this context, the marketing expert suggests “Vaccination Cafés” or a “Night of Vaccination” to encourage population groups that have not yet been reached by previous vaccination campaigns towards vaccination. Furthermore the MCM scholar suggests classic "Word of Mouth" campaigns in which already vaccinated people inform others about their experience.

Read more about Prof. Dr. Raoul Kübler talks with Radio Kiepenkerl about creative vaccination offers

Nivea celebrates 110th birthday – Interview with Professor Krafft by “taff”

On the occasion of the cult brand's birthday, Professor Krafft, marketing expert and head of the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM), gave an interview to "taff" (ProSieben). The interview was broadcasted on German television on May 10, 2021. In this TV special, Manfred Krafft explains what the NIVEA brand means and discusses its success factors.

Read more about Nivea celebrates 110th birthday – Interview with Professor Krafft by “taff”
Raoul Volker Kübler

NIM Publication by Professor Kübler targets Dark Sides of Digital Marketing

In his recent publication: Metrics gone wrong: What managers can learn from the 2016 presidential elections, MCM scholar Raoul Kübler discusses together with his colleague Professor Koen Pauwels from Northeastern University, Boston USA how relying on biased market intelligence and targeting the wrong KPIs had fatal consequences for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Read more about NIM Publication by Professor Kübler targets Dark Sides of Digital Marketing

Why are discounters focusing on organic products? – Interview with Professor Krafft by Radio RST

Around 80 percent of people in Germany regularly or occasionally buy organic products. More and more of them are also available from discounters. According to a recent study conducted by the Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, discounters are consumers’ second most important point of contact for purchasing organic products. Against this background, Radio RST is pursuing the goal of examining this trend in greater detail as part of the broadcast series "Bio vom Discounter".

Read more about Why are discounters focusing on organic products? – Interview with Professor Krafft by Radio RST

„Disney+ hatte einen Doppeleffekt“ - Professor Hennig-Thurau in Blickpunkt:Film über die aktuellen Veränderungen in der TV- und Streamingbranche

Mit dem Aufkommen von Video-Streamingdiensten hat sich die Medienlandschaft grundlegend gewandelt. Während TV-Sender Anfang der 2000er Jahre den Bewegtbildmarkt dominierten, sehen sich die Fernsehhäuser heute mit neuen Konkurrenten wie Netflix oder Amazon Prime Video konfrontiert. Mit Disney+ stieg Anfang 2020 ein weiterer namhafter Wettbewerber in das Streaminggeschäft ein – der erste Streamer „Made in Hollywood“, dem weitere Unterhaltungskonzerne folgen werden.

Read more about „Disney+ hatte einen Doppeleffekt“ - Professor Hennig-Thurau in Blickpunkt:Film über die aktuellen Veränderungen in der TV- und Streamingbranche
JPM Kübler

Interview with Prof. Raoul Kübler about Sponsoring of Offshore Sailing and Success of German Vendee Globe Sailor Boris Herrmann published by

MCM Professor Raoul Kübler was interviewed by Germany’s leading online sailing magazine With Boris Herrmann being the first German sailor to finish the world’s hardest solo around the world race, sailing gained in popularity and enjoyed a substantial increase in screen and media time. 

In his interview, Professor Kübler discusses the reasons behind the growing public interest in offshore sailing and how Boris Herrmann successfully used social media to engage with a worldwide audience to promote his campaign but also sailing in general.

Read more about Interview with Prof. Raoul Kübler about Sponsoring of Offshore Sailing and Success of German Vendee Globe Sailor Boris Herrmann published by