
Professor Manfred Krafft and Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns Receive the William Davidson Honorable Mention Award

Prof. Krafft and Dr. Tillmanns have been awarded the 2017 William Davidson Honorable Mention Award. They were runner-ups for the William R. Davidson Award with their article "The Evolution of Marketing Channel Research Domains and Methodologies: An Integrative Review and Future Directions". The award recognizes the best articles published in Journal of Retailing [VHB-Jourqual: A] in 2015.

Read more about Professor Manfred Krafft and Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns Receive the William Davidson Honorable Mention Award

Article on New Customer Acquisition by Prof. Dr. Krafft and Dr. Tillmanns available online at Journal of Marketing

The article "How to Separate the Wheat from the Chaff: Improved Variable Selection for New Customer Acquisition" by Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft and Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns is now available online at Journal of Marketing (Jourqual: A+): Direct link to the article.

Read more about Article on New Customer Acquisition by Prof. Dr. Krafft and Dr. Tillmanns available online at Journal of Marketing

Article on Mobile In-Store Advertising by Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft and Mirja Bues Bues in Psychology & Marketing now available online

The article "How Mobile In-Store Advertising Influences Purchase Intention: Value Drivers and Mediating Effects from a Consumer Perspective" by Mirja Bues, Michael Steiner, Marcel Stafflage, and Manfred Krafft has been published in Psychology & Marketing (Jourqual: B).

Read more about Article on Mobile In-Store Advertising by Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft and Mirja Bues Bues in Psychology & Marketing now available online

Article on corporate gifts by Dr. André Marchand and Professor Hennig-Thurau accepted for publication in JSR

The article "How Gifts Influence Relationships with Service Customers and Financial Outcomes for Firms" by PD Dr. André Marchand, Professor Michael Paul, Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Dr. Georg Puchner has been accepted for publication in Journal of Service Research (Jourqual: A).

Read more about Article on corporate gifts by Dr. André Marchand and Professor Hennig-Thurau accepted for publication in JSR

Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau publishes article of the power of Big Data for service firms in JSR!

Together with distinguished service marketing and strategy scholars Sonny Lam, Stefan Sleep, Shrihari Sridhar, and Alok Saboo, Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau has explored the success-enhancing potentials of Big Data by frontline service employees.

Read more about Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau publishes article of the power of Big Data for service firms in JSR!

To the (Movie) Stars! Article on the value of stars co-authored by Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau accepted for publication in IJRM

Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau is part of a team of scientists that determines what a movie star actually contributes to the success of a film -- and it is his Oscars or commercial success that producers should pay attention to.

Read more about To the (Movie) Stars! Article on the value of stars co-authored by Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau accepted for publication in IJRM

Article on digital word of mouth by Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Dr. André Marchand accepted for publication in IJRM

The article "Not all digital word of mouth is created equal: Understanding the respective impact of consumer reviews and microblogs on new product success" by Dr. André Marchand, Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Professor Caroline Wiertz (Cass Business School London) has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Research in Marketing - IJRM (Jourqual: A).

Read more about Article on digital word of mouth by Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Dr. André Marchand accepted for publication in IJRM
