
Professor Kübler publishes new study showing how value-crises decrease customer’s price and product performance sensitivities

Together with colleagues Michael Langmaack and Sönke Albers from Kühne Logistics University and MCM VIP and UT Austin Professor Wayne Hoyer, Raoul Kübler managed to publish a research article in the prestigious Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (ranked as A by Journal) that demonstrates that value-crises such as child labor, environmental pollution or tax evasion tremendously decrease consumers’ price and product performance sensitivities.

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DFG-Forschergruppe veröffentlicht den SOCIAL MEDIA & SOCIETY REPORT 2019

Münster/Hamburg, den 26. August 2019. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp: Was noch vor wenigen Jahren als Triebwerk der digitalen Demokratisierung unserer Gesellschaft gepriesen wurde, ist heute (auch) Forum für hasserfüllte Diskussionen und polarisierende Meinungsmache, für die Verbreitung von Fake News und die Bildung von sozialen „Filterblasen“.

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MCM Scholars receive best paper award

For their paper on store-reinventions, Manfred Krafft and Mirja Kroschke along with their co-authors Els Breugelmans (KU Leuven), Marleen Hermans (KU Leuven) and Murali Mantrala (University of Missouri), have been awarded with the Best Paper Award at the Research on National Brand and Private Label Marketing (NB&PL) International Conference. The conference took place from June 12 to 14 in Barcelona (Spain), and is the primary international forum to present and discuss original, rigorous and significant contributions specifically on NB and PL issues.

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Free No More! Research by Gerrit Cziehso about Price Introductions Published in JBR

Dr. Gerrit Cziehso recently published a study on customer's reactions to unexpected price introductions in the Journal of Business Research (Vol. 101). Unexpected price introductions occur when companies introduce prices for previously free products or services. These strategic decisions are common in many industries, such as hospitality (e.g., introduction of fees for internet access inside the hotel), banking (e.g., introduction of checking account fees), or media and entertainment (e.g., introduction of fees for using online content).

Read more about Free No More! Research by Gerrit Cziehso about Price Introductions Published in JBR

“And the winner is…”: this year’s IJRM Best Paper Award goes to three MCM scholars!

The International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), Europe’s leading marketing journal and one of Marketing academia’s rare “A journals,” annually honors a single paper as the best article published in the previous year. This year’s winner was co-authored by MCM scholars Nele Hansen, Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer, and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau. The prestigious award honors their article “Brand Crises in the Digital Age: The Short- and Long-term Effects of Social Media Firestorms on Consumers and Brands”, which appeared in last year’s December issue of the IJRM.

Read more about “And the winner is…”: this year’s IJRM Best Paper Award goes to three MCM scholars!

Quick but not dirty: New meta-analysis shows superiority of direct methods for measuring WTP

Meta-analysis accepted for publication at JAMS.

A meta-analysis on willingness to pay measurement by Jonas Schmidt (IfM) and Tammo H. A. Bijmolt (University of Groningen) is accepted for publication at the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS). By analyzing 115 effect sizes published in 47 papers, the authors show that direct methods for measuring consumers’ willingness to pay outperform indirect ones in terms of accuracy.

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Professor Kübler wins MSI Top Download Award 2018

Together with colleagues Anatoli Colicev (Bocconi University, Italy) and Koen Pauwels (Northeastern University, Boston), Raoul Kübler won the Marketing Science Institute’s prestigious Top Download Award. Their paper „Social Media’s Impact on Consumer Mindset: When to Use Which Sentiment Extraction Tool?“ was the most downloaded MSI report paper in 2018.

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Professor Kübler publishes research on cross-cultural price and eWoM sensitivities in Journal of Marketing

Professor Kübler published a study on how a country’s culture and socio-economic background influences consumers’ price- and electronic word of mouth sensitivities in the prestigious Journal of Marketing, which is considered to be the leading academic marketing journal.

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Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau über die Erfolgsformel der Unterhaltungsbranche

Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Marketing & Medien am Marketing Center Münster. Gemeinsam mit Prof. Mark B. Houston von der Texas Christian University in Fort Worth hat Prof. Hennig-Thurau das Buch „Entertainment Science. Data Analytics and Practical Theory for Movies, Games, Books, and Music“ verfasst, dass sich mit den Faktoren auseinandergesetzt, die über den Erfolg und Misserfolg von Entertainmentprodukten entscheiden.

Read more about Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau über die Erfolgsformel der Unterhaltungsbranche
