
Focus on the Customer – Digital CEMxHenkel Workshop

On February 1, 2022, the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM) partner Henkel welcomed 20 students from Berlin, Cologne and Münster to a digital workshop. The warm welcome from Katja Keulertz (Junior Consumer Insights Manager) and Nico Reichert (Global Consumer Insights Manager) was followed by a company presentation including the business units and brands from the Düsseldorf-based consumer goods manufacturer.

Read more about Focus on the Customer – Digital CEMxHenkel Workshop

"Makers of Tomorrow" - Your chance to get first-hand insights on the topic of entrepreneurship

As a partner university of the "Makers of Tomorrow" project, we are pleased to support our students in the future in finding more courage to start their own business. "Makers of Tomorrow" is an online course for students of German-speaking universities on entrepreneurship. However, this is not an ordinary course, but a real "master class" whose vision is to give every student the opportunity to get in touch with entrepreneurship during their studies and learn from role models. In the first season, 10 inspiring founder stories are told.

Read more about "Makers of Tomorrow" - Your chance to get first-hand insights on the topic of entrepreneurship

Inspiring exchange with Rob Britton at the CEM fireside evening

Since it is well known that one should not break with tradition, the CEM (Circle of Excellence in Marketing) had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Rob Britton for already the 21st time at the annual fireside evening in the pre-Christmas season. In strict compliance with the 2G+ measures, the event took place on Wednesday, December 1 at Café Herr Sonnenschein in Münster's old town.  Britton quickly caught the students’ attention with his enthusiasm.

Read more about Inspiring exchange with Rob Britton at the CEM fireside evening

LWL-Museum und FB4 verbinden Kunst und Wissenschaft

"Verantwortung" - öffentliche Ringvorlesung der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät

Einblicke in die Welt der Kunst mit Denkanstößen aus der Wissenschaft verbinden, das ist das Ziel der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem FB4 und dem LWL-Museum Münster im Wintersemester 2021/22. Unter dem Titel „Nimmersatt? Gesellschaft ohne Wachstum denken“ präsentiert das LWL-Museum in Kooperation mit der Kunsthalle Münster und dem Westfälischen Kunstverein vom 27. November 2021 bis 27. Februar 2022 Arbeiten zeitgenössischer Künstlerinnen und Künstler, die vor dem Hintergrund der Corona-Pandemie neue Denkweisen vorschlagen und alternative Handlungsoptionen in den Blick nehmen.

Read more about LWL-Museum und FB4 verbinden Kunst und Wissenschaft

Doctoral Seminar on Meta-Analysis in Management Research by Professor Tammo Bijmolt (RUG) in a Hybrid Format

During the doctoral seminar, which took place from November 2nd till November 5th, a group of Ph.D. students from different chairs of the University of Münster’s School of Business and Economics was able to extend their knowledge about current and important meta-analysis topics. Professor Tammo Bijmolt from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen traveled from the Netherlands to give valuable insights into topics such as the role of replications and empirical generalizations in science, how to conduct meta-analyses in general, as well as how to use their findings.

Read more about Doctoral Seminar on Meta-Analysis in Management Research by Professor Tammo Bijmolt (RUG) in a Hybrid Format

Neuauflage des Formats "Better Together" - Das MCM setzt sich für die Interaktion zwischen Studierenden und Unternehmen ein

Zahlreiche Studierende sehen sich aktuell oder in naher Zukunft mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, in diesen unsicheren Zeiten Kontakt zu Unternehmen aufzunehmen und sich mit diesen zu Praktikums-, Werkstudenten- oder Direkteinstiegspositionen auszutauschen. Der Personalbedarf, die Bewerbungsprozesse einzelner Unternehmen und die grundlegende Arbeitsmarktsituation sind in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie schwierig nachzuvollziehen.

Read more about Neuauflage des Formats "Better Together" - Das MCM setzt sich für die Interaktion zwischen Studierenden und Unternehmen ein
