How Societal Trends Turn into Successful Advertising: Guest Lecture by Grabarz & Partner
Invited by Professor Raoul Kübler, Grabarz & Partner, one of the most successful German advertising agencies, visited the MCM on July 9th 2019. During their 90-minute presentation as part of the lecture "Integrated Marketing Communications", the communication professionals, who are classified second in the current creative ranking by "Werben & Verkaufen", showed how they convert social trends into successful advertising campaigns.
Guest Lecture | Grabarz & Partner
MCM Students Access the Consumer's Mind - New Seminar on "User-Generated Content"
Consumers are increasingly using social media channels to share information directly with companies as well as other users, whether active or prospective customers. Every minute, social media users around the world create about half a million posts on Facebook and Twitter, watch and comment on 4.3 million YouTube videos, generate 2.4 million snaps, like 174,000 images on Instagram and search for 3.7 million terms on Google.
MCM Goes EMAC: Strong Presence of MCM Scholars at Leading European Marketing Conference
From May 28th until May 31st 2019, the 48th EMAC Annual Conference was held in Hamburg, with more than 1,000 scholarly attendants from all over Europe and the world. The conference provides a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of current academic research projects, panel discussions, and special sessions with thought leaders in their respective fields. Scholars from different areas of the MCM took part in all those different activities.
Autounfälle per künstlicher Intelligenz regulieren - Gastvortrag von Dr. Florian Pallas (Control€xpert)
Jeden Tag passieren in Deutschland rund 7.200 Verkehrsunfälle. Dabei kommen in 89 % der Fälle glücklicherweise keine Menschen zu Schaden. Besonders für Autofahrer sind Unfälle jedoch ärgerlich, weil deren Regulierung nicht selten mit Gutachterterminen und langwierigen Schriftwechseln mit der Versicherung verbunden ist.
Professor Kübler wins MSI Top Download Award 2018
Together with colleagues Anatoli Colicev (Bocconi University, Italy) and Koen Pauwels (Northeastern University, Boston), Raoul Kübler won the Marketing Science Institute’s prestigious Top Download Award. Their paper „Social Media’s Impact on Consumer Mindset: When to Use Which Sentiment Extraction Tool?“ was the most downloaded MSI report paper in 2018.
Professor Kübler publishes research on cross-cultural price and eWoM sensitivities in Journal of Marketing
Professor Kübler published a study on how a country’s culture and socio-economic background influences consumers’ price- and electronic word of mouth sensitivities in the prestigious Journal of Marketing, which is considered to be the leading academic marketing journal.
Professor Kübler appointed as Jury member for the Neptun Crossmedia Award - 5 FREE Award Show Tickets for MCM students
From November 7 to November 8 Professor Kübler serves on the Jury board of Germany’s leading crossmedia award „Neptun" in Hamburg. Together with distinguished experts from the media and advertising industry he selects the best integrated advertising campaigns which relied on a cross-media approach.
MCM students acquire Artificial Intelligence - First Big Data Seminar concludes with important insights for MCM Master Students
Recent years saw a remarkable increase of interest in the exploitation of large datasets in order to enhance consumer insights. Famous use cases such as Target’s ability to identify pregnant shoppers by changes in consumption behavior or micro targeting of voters with the help of user generated content have made the algorithmic evaluation of consumer behavior a state-of-the-art procedure to guide and support purchasing decisions, to select and present relevant content on online platforms, or to develop bespoke advertising campaigns.