JPM Kübler

Interview with Prof. Raoul Kübler about Sponsoring of Offshore Sailing and Success of German Vendee Globe Sailor Boris Herrmann published by segelreporter.com

MCM Professor Raoul Kübler was interviewed by Germany’s leading online sailing magazine segelreporter.com. With Boris Herrmann being the first German sailor to finish the world’s hardest solo around the world race, sailing gained in popularity and enjoyed a substantial increase in screen and media time. 

In his interview, Professor Kübler discusses the reasons behind the growing public interest in offshore sailing and how Boris Herrmann successfully used social media to engage with a worldwide audience to promote his campaign but also sailing in general.

Read more about Interview with Prof. Raoul Kübler about Sponsoring of Offshore Sailing and Success of German Vendee Globe Sailor Boris Herrmann published by segelreporter.com
JPM Kübler

MCM Scholars Kai Manke and Raoul Kübler win IMRC's "Most Promising Research" Award

MCM scholars Kai Manke (LMM) and Raoul Kübler (JPM&MA) win together with Professor Koen Pauwels from Northeastern University Boston the inaugural “Most Promising Research” Award of this year’s Interactive Marketing Research conference sponsored by the Lazaridis Institute of Technology.

In their award-winning research study “An Analysis of Social Media Engagement in the Case of the 2016 US Presidential Elections“ the international team examines how the social media strategies of the two presidential candidates drove the election outcome in 2016.

Read more about MCM Scholars Kai Manke and Raoul Kübler win IMRC's "Most Promising Research" Award
JPM Kübler

Junior-Professur für Marketing & Marketing Analytics sucht wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in

An der Junior-Professur für Marketing & Marketing Analytics der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität (Marketing Center Münster, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften) ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zunächst befristet auf 3 Jahre eine Stelle mit Dreiviertel der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit einer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters zu besetzen.

Read more about Junior-Professur für Marketing & Marketing Analytics sucht wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in
JPM Kübler

How empathy helps to create successful advertising campaigns – Guest lecture by Grabarz & Partner

In response to the positive feedback for their guest talk last year, Grabarz & Partner again followed the invitation by Professor Kübler and joined the lecture „Integrated Marketing Communications” on July 6, 2020. During their 90-minute presentation, Reinhard Patzschke, CEO Consulting at Grabarz & Partner, and Bastian Goldschmidt, Head of Strategy, showed how they convert social trends into successful advertising campaigns.

Read more about How empathy helps to create successful advertising campaigns – Guest lecture by Grabarz & Partner

Marketing Students from Münster Win International Advertising Award!

On November 28th 2019, a group of MCM marketing students secured a remarkable third place in the talents category of the prestigious Neptun Cross Media Award in Hamburg. The students had to develop an advertising campaign for the Münster lemonade brand liba as a final project for this summer’s “Integrated Marketing Communications” (IMC) class hold by MCM professor Raoul Kübler.

Read more about Marketing Students from Münster Win International Advertising Award!

New publication by Professor Kübler: Social Media's Impact on the Consumer Mindset: When to Use Which Sentiment Extraction Tool?

A new study by Professor Kübler just published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing shows how to rely on user generated content from Facebook to measure classic consumer mindset metrics such as brand awareness, brand liking, brand consideration, purchase likelihood or customer satisfaction.

Read more about New publication by Professor Kübler: Social Media's Impact on the Consumer Mindset: When to Use Which Sentiment Extraction Tool?

Professor Kübler publishes new study showing how value-crises decrease customer’s price and product performance sensitivities

Together with colleagues Michael Langmaack and Sönke Albers from Kühne Logistics University and MCM VIP and UT Austin Professor Wayne Hoyer, Raoul Kübler managed to publish a research article in the prestigious Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (ranked as A by Journal) that demonstrates that value-crises such as child labor, environmental pollution or tax evasion tremendously decrease consumers’ price and product performance sensitivities.

Read more about Professor Kübler publishes new study showing how value-crises decrease customer’s price and product performance sensitivities

Raoul Kübler Gives Talk at VU Amsterdam

On October 24th 2019, Professor Kübler was invited by VU Amsterdam to give a presentation at VU’s prestigious marketing seminar series. During his talk about “An Analysis of Social Media Engagement during the 2016 US presidential elections”, Raoul Kübler introduced his latest research findings and enjoyed a fierce but constructive debate.

Read more about Raoul Kübler Gives Talk at VU Amsterdam
