Exam | Marketing Operations
Exam | Sales Management
Guest lecture | Tobias Frank and Christine Collot (Engelhard Arzneimittel)
Invitation to the Meditation-Challenge

Dear students,
We cordially invite you to a 21-day meditation challenge within the framework of #WWUtogether, which the MCM is offering thanks to the kind support of the Marketing Alumni Münster e.V.
„Zusammen ist man weniger allein” – Das MCM bietet Angebote zur Steigerung der Interaktion an

Die Corona-Situation erschwert die Interaktion nicht nur zwischen Studierenden und Lehrenden, sondern auch den Austausch der Studierenden untereinander. Aufgrund des Digital-Semesters fehlen insbesondere die spontanen, persönlichen Kontakte, die das Universitätsleben ausmachen. Möglichkeiten des kurzen, informellen Austauschs mit Lehrenden im Anschluss an eine Vorlesung oder der zufällige Kontakt mit anderen Studierenden am Fahrradständer zwischen zwei Lehrveranstaltungen sind aktuell nicht gegeben.
Mars Visits the MCM - Virtual Premiere in a Long Tradition of Guest Lectures

On Friday, January 22, it was time again to welcome representatives of Mars in the course “Sales Management”. The company holds a long history as a guest in this course and has provided students with many valuable insights from business practice over the course of the last years. However, the overall context of this year’s guest lecture was genuinely different. Due to the Corona pandemic, it premiered in a virtual format.
Virtual Guest Lecture by Generation f in the Course "Consumer Behavior"

On January 14, the MCM was pleased to receive a visit and digital guest lecture as part of the course "Consumer Behavior" from the startup Generation f. The three co-founders Sophia Escheu, Julia Kirsch and Carla Schell described the process of brainstorming ideas to their pilot project and explained what Generation f is ultimately all about. In essence, their company serves as a virtual platform for sustainable networking.
Guest lecture | Nexan Chopra, Marcel Hahne, and Sebastian Weiss (Mars)
Enriching exchange at the CEM’s first virtual campfire

On December 2nd, 2020, the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM) was happy to welcome Dr. Rob Britton for the remarkable 20th time. Britton, who gained extensive experience in the Airline Industry for over 20 years and now works as a consultant and professor, shared his valuable knowledge with the members of the CEM. Unlike common tips for career planning in the business context, Dr.