
Guest Lecture | “Transforming Marketing Performance” by Dr. Lars Fiedler and Dr. Kirsten Blacha of McKinsey in Marketing Operations

Wednesday, 4. July 2018 - 12:15 to 13:45, Aula am Aasee

On Wednesday, July 4th, Dr. Lars Fiedler (VP and Solution General Manager Marketing Solutions | McKisney) and Dr. Kirsten Blacha (Engagement Manager | McKinsey) will give a guest lecture in Marketing Operations on “Transforming Marketing Performance”. The lecture takes place from 12:15 – 13:45 pm in the Aula am Aasee. Guests are highly welcome.

Read more about Guest Lecture | “Transforming Marketing Performance” by Dr. Lars Fiedler and Dr. Kirsten Blacha of McKinsey in Marketing Operations

CEM Workshop | Arvato

Tuesday, 3. July 2018 - 0:00 to Thursday, 25. April 2024 - 6:51

Digital transformation - how to embrace tech-enabled omni-channel customer services
Chatbots, virtual assistants, robots who can fulfill standard tasks… How will topics like automation and artificial intelligence change the future customer interaction and the setup of future customer services in the upcoming years? In the CEM workshop, we will show you the state-of-the-art solutions in this domain and explain you how Arvato CRM Solution Group transforms its business setup for customer services in the digital dynamic environment.

Read more about CEM Workshop | Arvato

Guest lecture | Maximilian Mealing – Team Lead CRM at Outfittery to deliver guest lecture on “CRM in Practice in a Digital Startup”

Tuesday, 3. July 2018 - 10:00 to Thursday, 25. April 2024 - 6:51, J2

Outfittery is based on the idea of making personal shopping assistance accessible for every “man” and creating a stress free shopping experience. Especially men are increasingly overwhelmed by the wide array of clothes offered in traditional retail stores and by online retailers. To facilitate their shopping experience, Outfittery offers them a free shopping assistant when ordering via their website.

Read more about Guest lecture | Maximilian Mealing – Team Lead CRM at Outfittery to deliver guest lecture on “CRM in Practice in a Digital Startup”

Arvato CRM’s CSO to deliver keynote lecture on how automation will transform customer management

Wednesday, 20. June 2018 - 14:00 to Thursday, 25. April 2024 - 6:51, J2

Everybody is talking about automation and its potential to transform businesses, create new efficiencies and enhance customer experience. But this is just the start. Over the next decade, it will pave the way for a revolution in service delivery and how customers interact with brands. This shift has already started and businesses need to prepare now, or risk being left behind.

Read more about Arvato CRM’s CSO to deliver keynote lecture on how automation will transform customer management

Info-Tag Master BWL 2018

Wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren findet in diesem Jahr erneut der Info-Tag zum Master BWL statt. Hier informiert die Studienkoordination eigene und auswärtige Studieninteressierte über den Master BWL an der WWU. Darüber hinaus stellen die Center Accounting, Finance, Management und Marketing die Studieninhalte ihrer Major vor und bieten den Anwesenden die Möglichkeit, Professoren, Mitarbeiter und Studierende aus dem Major kennenzulernen.

Der Info-Tag Master BWL 2018 findet am 07. Mai statt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Read more about Info-Tag Master BWL 2018

LMM und Weltkino verschenken Freikarten für den Spielfim „Der Hauptmann“

Liebe Studierende im Bachelor und Master,

Wir freuen uns, gemeinsam mit dem Weltkino Filmverleih 20 Freikarten für den Spielfilm Der Hauptmann an Sie verteilen zu können.

Die Kinokarten liegen bei Frau Geringhoff (Sekretariat LMM, Raum 002) zur Abholung bereit.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir maximal zwei Karten pro Person aushändigen können. Es gilt das First-come-first-served-Prinzip.

Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Studierendenausweis mit.


Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß!

Read more about LMM und Weltkino verschenken Freikarten für den Spielfim „Der Hauptmann“
