
„Better together“ – Das MCM möchte die Interaktion zwischen Studierenden und Unternehmen verbessern

Zahlreiche Studierende sehen sich aktuell oder in naher Zukunft mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, in diesen unsicheren Zeiten Kontakt zu Unternehmen aufzunehmen und sich mit diesen zu Praktikums-, Werkstudenten- oder Direkteinstiegspositionen auszutauschen. Der Personalbedarf, die Bewerbungsprozesse einzelner Unternehmen und die grundlegende Arbeitsmarktsituation sind in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie schwierig nachzuvollziehen.

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Enriching Digital Visit at the MCM – Guest Lecture by Dr. Niklas Teichmann

The Chair of Marketing Management had the pleasure to welcome Dr. Niklas Teichmann as the second guest speaker in this year's Market Research class. Dr. Niklas Teichmann is the Director Analytics and Data Science at L'Oréal. In his guest lecture, which was held via Zoom, he highlighted the power behind data, which perfectly illustrated the practical relevance of the methods taught in class.

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"Streamers Changed the Game!" – Dr. Malte Probst from Sky as virtual guest at the MCM

“Subscription-based online streaming services have fundamentally changed the rules of the game in the entertainment industry,” stated Dr. Malte Probst, Senior Vice President Film and Entertainment Portfolio at Sky Deutschland, during his guest lecture as part of Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau's and Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer’s master's lecture "Entertainment Media Marketing". During his presentation entitled "Transforming an Old School Business - Can You?" on January 27, 2021, Dr.

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Virtual Visit at the MCM – Guest Lecture by Engelhard Arzneimittel on Sales Territory Realignment

On January 29, the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) welcomed two representatives of Engelhard Arzneimittel for a guest lecture of this year's course "Sales Management". Tobias Frank, Director Sales National, and Christine Collot, Head of Shopper and Trade Marketing, gave the MCM students as well as Prof.

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Virtual Visit at the MCM - Guest Lecture by the Otto Group on the Use of Artificial Intelligence

On Monday, January 24, Dr. Mirja Kroschke from the Otto Group was a virtual guest in the course "Consumer Behavior". In her presentation, she gave students insights into the use of artificial intelligence to holistically improve the customer experience at the Otto Group. Dr. Kroschke works as a project manager and business intelligence strategist in the Otto Group's Data Lab. She is also a familiar face at the Chair of Marketing Management, having earned her PhD there in 2017 and served as a Postdoc until 2019.

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