
G7-Meeting in Münster - Professor Manfred Krafft Appears on WDR Lokalzeit

Towards the end of the week, the summit of the foreign ministers of the G7 countries not only dominated the press coverage, but also the cityscape of Münster. Now that normality is slowly returning to Münster, the question is what will remain of the meeting?

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LMM sucht ZWEI Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen


Am Lehrstuhl für Marketing & Medien der Westfälischen Wilhelms‐Universität (Marketing Center Münster, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften) sind unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig‐Thurau zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zunächst befristet auf 3 Jahre ZWEI Stellen mit Dreiviertel der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit als wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV‐L) zu besetzen.

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Wovon träumt das Metaverse? - Professor Hennig-Thurau in epd Film über den Zusammenhang von Kino und Virtualität

Unser Traum vom #Metaverse ist nicht zuletzt einer, den uns Schriftsteller und Filmemacher mit ihren Entwürfen und Geschichten in den Kopf gesetzt haben. Heute nun, satte dreißig Jahre nach Neal Stephensons Wortschöpfung in „Snow Crash“, schickt sich das virtuelle Metaverse an, die Welt des Films zu verändern, und zwar ganz real und ganz praktisch.

Read more about Wovon träumt das Metaverse? - Professor Hennig-Thurau in epd Film über den Zusammenhang von Kino und Virtualität

Doctoral colloquium of the IfM at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík

As part of a doctoral colloquium, Professor Manfred Krafft and his team from the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) visited the University of Iceland in Reykjavík in mid-September. During two days, an exciting exchange with two different departments of the University of Iceland took place.

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Negotiation conflicts in retail - Professor Manfred Krafft in conversation with Radio NRW

Empty shelves in supermarkets are no longer a rare sight. Not only logistics problems and disrupted supply chains, but also the increased price pressure among manufacturers and retailers contribute to this. Due to rising raw material and energy prices, some suppliers are forced to increase their costs. This in turn leads to new negotiations regarding purchase prices or shelf space between retailers and manufacturers.

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Professor Manfred Krafft interviewed by Radio RST - Energy crisis & private labels

The energy crisis, price explosions and the threat of inflation are currently placing a particularly heavy burden on consumers' wallets. Now that the Euro has to be turned over twice, consumers are increasingly turning to private labels of well-known supermarket chains, which allows cost savings of 20 to 30%. But do private labels also help to save energy for the general public, since they are produced differently from other branded products?

Read more about Professor Manfred Krafft interviewed by Radio RST - Energy crisis & private labels