Exam Inspection | Sales Management
Kick-Off | Project Seminar in cooperation with Tchibo
Why are discounters focusing on organic products? – Interview with Professor Krafft by Radio RST

Around 80 percent of people in Germany regularly or occasionally buy organic products. More and more of them are also available from discounters. According to a recent study conducted by the Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, discounters are consumers’ second most important point of contact for purchasing organic products. Against this background, Radio RST is pursuing the goal of examining this trend in greater detail as part of the broadcast series "Bio vom Discounter".
Advice for retailers: How to better leverage data from and for valuable customer relationships

Professor Krafft, MCM scholar and head of the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM), is the lead author of the study “Insight is Power: Understanding the Terms of the Consumer-Firm Data Exchange”, co-authored by a multinational research team consisting of, among others, V. Kumar, Colleen Harmeling, Siddharth Singh, Ting Zhu, and Jialie Chen.
IfM Research Fellow Dr. Jonas Schmidt Wins the IMU Research for Practice Award

On March 18, 2021, the “Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung” (IMU) at the University of Mannheim held its first digital spring conference with the theme "Turning Data into Insights - Customer Engagement in the Digital Age".