
Research stay at the University of Kansas – Back home in Münster with numerous ideas

From October 17 to 29, Professor Manfred Krafft and Tim Kalwey undertook a research visit to the University of Kansas in Lawrence. Together with their co-authors, they worked on a major revision of a manuscript dealing with the future of selling. This research is in the second round of reviews at a top marketing journal.

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Nilusha Aliman from XRLab@MCM stars in the PwC ‘TechTalks’ series hosted by thought leader Jeremy Dalton!

On Thursday, October 19, Nilusha Aliman from the MCM’s eXperimental Reality Lab (XRLab@MCM) participated in PwC’s global ‘TechTalks’ series, hosted by Jeremy Dalton, well-known thought leader and book author on immersive technologies along with fellow PwC XR expert Alex Ruhl, to present findings from the lab’s recently published working paper on meetings in the metaverse. On average, the 30-minutes episodes of the video podcast series reach an audience between 5,000 and 10.000 viewers.

Read more about Nilusha Aliman from XRLab@MCM stars in the PwC ‘TechTalks’ series hosted by thought leader Jeremy Dalton!

Blutspenden rettet Leben

Blut ist lebensnotwendiger Bestandteil des menschlichen Lebens. Ohne Blut können unsere Ärzt*innen und Pflegeteams in der Krankenversorgung Operationen und Therapien  nicht durchführen. Das UKM ist auf Menschen in Münster und im Münsterland angewiesen. Durch Ihre Bereitschaft, Blut oder Stammzellen zu spenden, wird unsere Arbeit erst möglich. Daher unsere Bitte: Spenden Sie Blut am UKM - in Münster für Münster. 


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Record Numbers of First Semester Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration - WDR Lokalzeit Coverage Features Professor Krafft and Professor Hennig-Thurau

In the evening broadcast on October 5, WDR Lokalzeit covered the record numbers of first year students at the University of Münster. In addition to law and sociology, amongst others, the bachelor's degree in business administration is particularly affected by this.

Read more about Record Numbers of First Semester Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration - WDR Lokalzeit Coverage Features Professor Krafft and Professor Hennig-Thurau

Marketing Alumni Münster, der Alumniverein des MCM, sucht eine:n neue:n Geschaeftsfuehrer:in! Die Position kann mit dem Verfassen einer Dissertation am MCM kombiniert werden!

Beim MARKETING ALUMNI MÜNSTER e.V., dem Verein der aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitglieder des Marketing Center Münster an der Universität Münster, ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine unbefristete Stelle als Geschäftsführer:in zu besetzen.

Read more about Marketing Alumni Münster, der Alumniverein des MCM, sucht eine:n neue:n Geschaeftsfuehrer:in! Die Position kann mit dem Verfassen einer Dissertation am MCM kombiniert werden!

Continuation of a Long Standing Tradition - Doctoral Seminar of the IfM Takes Place at the Landhaus Rothenberge

From July 26 to July 28, the team of the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) spent its annual research retreat at Landhaus Rothenberge to discuss current research projects. This year, a special guest, Professor Leo Paas from the University of Auckland, also participated in the doctoral seminar and made an excellent contribution to the team, both professionally and personally.

Read more about Continuation of a Long Standing Tradition - Doctoral Seminar of the IfM Takes Place at the Landhaus Rothenberge