
MCM @ EMAC 2016 in Oslo

The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference is one of the largest marketing conferences worldwide. This year, the conference took place at the Norwegian Business School in Oslo from May 24-27 with the leading theme “Marketing in the Age of Data”. A couple of MCM scholars participated in this conference and presented their latest research about the following topics:

Read more about MCM @ EMAC 2016 in Oslo

Article on Channel Management by Prof. Dr. Krafft and Dr. Tillmanns published online

The article "The Evolution of Marketing Channel Research Domains and Methodologies: An Integrative Review and Future Directions" by Manfred Krafft, Oliver Götz, Francesca Sotgiu, Murali Mantrala and Sebastian Tillmanns has been accepted for publication in Journal of Retailing (Jourqual: A).

Read more about Article on Channel Management by Prof. Dr. Krafft and Dr. Tillmanns published online

Thought Leaders in Customer Engagement and CRM Conference in Paris

45 leading scholars met in Paris from June 3 to 5 to discuss emerging research in the areas of customer engagement and customer relationship management. The conference was hosted in the heart of Paris next to Champs Elysees. Manfred Krafft and Sebastian Tillmanns from the Institute of Marketing participated in this „by invitation only“ conference. The last session was chaired by Manfred Krafft, who also presented a paper on „To a Better Understanding of Customer Engagement in Online Retailing: Drivers and Consequences of eWOM“.

Read more about Thought Leaders in Customer Engagement and CRM Conference in Paris

Article on Customer Win-Back by Prof. Dr. Krafft and Dr. Tillmanns accepted for publication in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

The article "Customer Win-Back: The Role of Attributions and Perceptions in Customers' Willingness to Return" by Doreén Pick, Jacquelyn S. Thomas, Sebastian Tillmanns, and Manfred Krafft has been accepted for publication in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Jourqual: A).

Read more about Article on Customer Win-Back by Prof. Dr. Krafft and Dr. Tillmanns accepted for publication in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Mit dem Innovationskreis Marketing e. V. zum Sales Seminar nach Prag

Vom 21.-25. Januar fand die Exkursion des Seminars on Sales Management statt. Mit dem Nachtzug ging es am Mittwochabend für acht Master-Studenten in die tschechische Hauptstadt Prag, wo sie vor ihren Kommilitonen, drei betreuenden Mitarbeitern des IfM und Dr. Tillmanns ihre Seminararbeiten präsentierten.

Read more about Mit dem Innovationskreis Marketing e. V. zum Sales Seminar nach Prag

Tagung Handelsforschung 2014

An der diesjährigen Tagung Handelsforschung vom 16.-18.10.2014 in Trier war auch das Institut für Marketing mit zwei Mitarbeitern vertreten. Die Tagung dient dem Austausch von aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen zum Thema Handel im deutschsprachigen Raum. In diesem Zusammenhang präsentierten Philipp Noormann und Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns eine empirische Studie zu den Determinanten des Wechselverhaltens bei dem Kauf von Eigenmarken.

Read more about Tagung Handelsforschung 2014
