Chair of Value-Based Marketing (IWM)

The Chair of Value-Based Marketing was established in 2012. Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiesel and apl. Prof. Dr. Sonja Gensler as well as the rest of our team endeavors to meet the highest requirements in teaching and research with a powerful blend of commitment, joy, passion, and motivation.


  • Teaching

    Our teaching activities in the Master program aim to improve our students’ knowledge about market-oriented leadership and to enhance their critical thinking skills. Moreover, we teach methods in market research to improve the analytical skills of our students. The  course 'Innovation Management' allows students to explore their entrepreneurial skills - each year student teams develop new business ideas that may result in a 'real' business (see, for example, On a regularly basis, we offer seminars that allow students to apply their analytical skills (DoIT seminar series) and to improve their conceptual thinking (KnowIT seminar series). While our KnowIT seminars train students to structure and categorize large amount of information, our DoIT seminars are usually offered in collaboration with practice and aim to address a current business challenge.

    In the Bachelor program, we teach students the fundamentals of marketing (Marketing Management), and we invite every year an international expert to teach Entrepreneurial Marketing.

    We aim for having discussions with our student on recent topics in market-oriented leadership and use concepts like flipped classroom and problem-based learning to stimulate discussions. We are continuously motivating our students to challenge themselves to grow personally and professionally. Following Goethe’s saying: ”There are two things children should receive from their parents: roots and wings.” We aim to offer an education that forms strong roots and allows our students to fly into a bright future.


    Since October 2019, Thorsten Wiesel directs the Excellence Start-Up Center REACH. REACH – EUREGIO Start-up Center is the first point of contact for start-up ideas in the German-Dutch border region “EUREGIO”.

    As a central platform for knowledge and technology-based start-ups in the EUREGIO, we accompany entrepreneurs from the University of Münster and Münster University of Applied Sciences on their way from idea to successful spin-off.
    We offer comprehensive support for students and scientists in the realization of their start-up ideas. Our start-up program includes individual coaching, targeted scouting, start-up-relevant workshops as well as inspiring events and networking activities.

    Our goal is to promote the “start-up spirit” at both universities and to make a sustainable contribution to the start-up culture in the region. Together, we create a dynamic and innovative start-up landscape!

  • Institut für Genossenschaftswesen | IfG (Institute for Cooperatives)

    Institut für Genossenschaftswesen

    The Institute for Cooperatives (IfG – Institut für Genossenschaftswesen) at the University of Münster has a long-standing tradition. It collaborates closely with practitioners in the fields of research, teaching, and knowledge transfer, placing high value on active exchange. The institute is led by Prof. Thorsten Wiesel.

    In fulfilling its mission, the IfG works in close, trusted partnership with the Research Organization for Cooperatives (FfG – Forschungsgesellschaft für Genossenschaftswesen Münster e.V.), which has over 150 members from the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). This region is recognized for its diverse cooperative structures and traditions across sectors like agriculture, housing, banking, and services.

    The collaboration within the DACH region enhances the development and understanding of cooperative models and practices. Depending on the topic, project, or research question, students and researchers collaborate to address increasingly complex challenges through multidisciplinary approaches.

    Please contact Maike Böttcher for further information or when you are interested to collaborate.

  • Research

    Our research explores how firms can generate value for their customers and, consequently, enhance their own value in a rapidly evolving environment. Additionally, we are interested in the measurement of marketing performance and the role of marketing in promoting sustainability.

    Learn more about our current research projects...

    We ensure that our research is relevant for practice by discussing our projects regularly with managers. Our students also benefit from our research activities since we discuss our recent research in class. We, thus, provide students the opportunity to gain insights into up-to-date research findings.

  • Contact

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    Teaching related matters
    (Bachelor and Master theses, recognition of Electives, DD Groningen)

    Phil Wienecke

    Circle of Excellence and Marketing Alumni Münster e.V.

    Stefanie Dewender
    Student Assistants and Letters of Recommendation Helen Grobe