Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland working group as guest at MCM

On June 22, the Chair of Marketing Management hosted the meeting of the BDD working group " Vertriebspartnergewinnung und Weiterbildung ".
The Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland e.V. (BDD) was founded in 1967 in Frankfurt am Main and represents the interests of its approximately 50 member companies from the German direct sales sector, their sales partners and customers. More than 911,000 sales partners work for German direct selling companies, which generate total sales of 18.72 billion euros per year. Since direct selling is particularly dependent on the quality of its sales partners, the BDD has set up the "Vertriebspartnergewinnung und Weiterbildung " working group. This working group deals with topics such as sales partner retention and recruitment as well as the motivation and training of managers.
At the meeting on June 22, the main topic of discussion was current events in the various member companies. In addition, Professor Krafft and Michael Gerke presented the results of two of their current studies. The first study is about the influence of the motivation of sales people on the performance factors’ impact. In the second study, they address the detection of salespeople's intention to leave across several European countries. The presentation of the studies led to a lively and constructive discussion from which both practitioners and academics could benefit. The focus of these discussions was on the various possibilities for practical implementation of the findings.
The feedback from all participants was consistently positive. The successful day was then concluded with a joint dinner at the Aasee.