Turning societal trend topics into successful advertising campaigns – Guest lecture by Grabarz & Partner

On July 12, 2021, Grabarz & Partner, represented by Bastian Goldschmidt (Head of Strategy) and Dennis Ullner (Senior Strategist), visited the lecture "Integrated Marketing Communications" for the third year in a row. Following the invitation of Prof. Dr. Raoul Kübler, the advertising experts once again presented the trend topics of the current year to the marketing students from Münster.
Following the motto "Back to people - moving more with empathy", every year G&P compiles an overview of topics that touch and concern society to an extraordinary degree. These topics, which are discussed and developed within the G&P team, play a central role in the planning of new advertising campaigns within the agency, as they help the advertising experts to develop communication potentials and thus to develop particularly empathically designed campaigns. This way, G&P succeeds in capturing the spirit of the times and taking responsibility not only for brands, but also for society.
For illustration purposes, Bastian Goldschmidt and Dennis Ullner went into more detail on five of the nine trend themes for 2021, such as "Mindful sexuality", "Loneliness pandemic" or "Conscious intoxication". In doing so, they underpinned the trend areas in a very entertaining and lively way with current clips from film, television or social media as well as results from recently published studies.
The (virtual) visit of G&P was eagerly awaited by students and MCM staff alike. On the one hand, the direct exchange with the advertising experts offers the opportunity to establish contacts in practice and to look behind the scenes of an agency that is responsible for well-known advertising campaigns. On the other hand, the lecture each time holds new impulses and impressions that the students can use for the development of their own integrated marketing campaign, which is the ultimate goal of the course. Thus, the visit of Grabarz & Partner has meanwhile become an essential part – and highlight - of the course! Therefore, the team of the Junior Professorship for Marketing & Marketing Analytics around Prof. Dr. Kübler would like to thank Grabarz & Partner, especially Bastian Goldschmidt and Dennis Ullner, very much.
Grabarz & Partner is one of the most successful German advertising agencies and was recently awarded as one of the "Cannes Lions Independent Agencies of the Decade". Their clients include companies such as Porsche, Volkswagen, Burger King, Fielmann, IKEA, and Indeed.