• Awards

    Wissenschaftspreis der EHI Stiftung 2020 - Kategorie: Bestes Lehrstuhlprojekt
    02/2020 - EHI Stiftung & GS1 Germany GmbH

    Best Paper Award
    Paper "Store re-invention: how are sales performance and existing customers’ shopping patterns impacted?
    Els Breugelmans, Marleen Hermans, Manfred Krafft, Mirja Kroschke & Murali Mantrala"
    06/2019 - Research on National Brand & Private Label Marketing International Conference

    01/2019 - HORIZONT-Stiftung

    Wolfgang Wirichs Förderpreis Handel
    02/2018 - Wolfgang Wirichs Stiftung

    Jean-Charles Chebat Best Retail Proposal Award
    11/2017 - Society for Marketing Advances

    Consortium Fellow at the AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium
    01/2016 - American Marketing Association / Sheth Consortium