AHA! (-rules) – Virtual CEM Workshop with Henkel

Alle auf Zoom - Headset auf – Austausch starten!
(Screen on – Put on your headset – Start the exchange)
The first virtual workshop for Henkel with the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM) took place - already a routine for the students after a semester of online lectures. On November 13, 2020, 20 members of the CEM from Berlin, Cologne and Münster exchanged their academic and practical experience with the Henkel team.
After a warm welcome from Kristina Bauer, Global Manager Employer Reputation, and a short introduction of all students, Dr. Anna-Katherina Koenen, Brand & Activation Management Gliss Kur, presented the company Henkel and its brands. Her presentation focused in particular on the "Beauty Care" business unit, its key issues and marketing challenges. Powerful commercials set the mood for the one-day workshop. According to the slogan "Do what you love, Gliss repairs", the students were given the task to work in cross-university groups to increase the effect of Gliss Kur products in the highly competitive market. In two hours the five groups developed their approaches and strategies to trigger and increase purchases at the point-of-sale. The presentations of their creative concepts were followed by stimulating discussions and hands-on feedback from the Henkel team with regard to the feasibility and potential of the ideas.
In addition to the case study, there was enough time for the CEM members to enter into dialogues with each other. This was viewed very positively, especially in times of home office and social distancing. The challenges and the management of the COVID 19 pandemic at Henkel were also exemplified in an interactive round of questions and possibilities of various career destinations.
Anruf beenden – Headset ab – Auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen
(Stop the conversation – Put down your headset – See you soon)
We thank Henkel for (again) a very inspiring workshop day!
This article has been written with the help of Meike Kietzmann, CEM student and Student Assistant at the Chair of Marketing Management.