
viral marketing campagain - eCommerce Course 2012/13

During the eCommerce course 2012/13 students developed and implemented a viral marketing campaign to promote the Business Master program at WWU Münster. The broad marketing objective was to raise awareness and generate interest in the Business Master program.To watch the videos, please follow the links:
This is the winner video (most views in a specific time window + most votes of jury): 
Anna’s story at WWU Münster

These videos made it to the short list:
CEO. Made in Münster. 
Master your life! - A student's search story
More than just bubbles!

… and those videos are also worth a look… 
Die Bachelor Bibliothek
Happy Graduation
Frische Ideen gefällig?
Master your Münster!!!
Etwas für dich dabei?
More than just bubbles!

These are the videos from our Indian exchange students… 
WWU Munster 