
Dr. Lisette de Vries gewinnt 3. Platz für ihre Doktorarbeit

Bereits zum 8. Mal wurde auf der diesjährigen EMAC Konferenz in Oslo der Marketing Dissertationspreis vergeben. Die durch EMAC und McKinsey & Company initiierte Auszeichnung richtet sich an junge Talente im Marketingumfeld. Von 52 eingereichten Beiträgen, wurden drei Finalisten ausgewählt, die ihre Doktorarbeit auf der EMAC Konferenz 2016 präsentieren durften. Nach Jonne Guyt (Universität Tilburg (NL)) und Jannik Meyners von der Universität Hamburg erzielte Dr. Lisette de Vries (IWM) den mit 1000 € dotierten 3. Platz. 

Lisette de Vries paper ‘Effects of Traditional Advertising and Social Messages on Brand-Building Metrics and Customer Acquisition’ examines the relative effectiveness of traditional advertising and social messages, generated by firms or consumers, for brand-building and customer acquisition efforts. Results show that traditional advertising, firm posts on its social media page and conversations among consumers on social media differ in their effectiveness and complement one another in their efforts to build a brand and stimulate new customer acquisitions. Traditional advertising is most effective for both brand building and customer acquisition. The social media page complements the traditional advertising efforts. Moreover, firms can stimulate messages among consumers on social media through traditional advertising. These findings help managers to leverage the different types of messages more adequately. Given the effectiveness of traditional advertising, managers should carefully consider shifting marketing investments away from traditional advertising. Furthermore, thoroughly orchestrating traditional advertising and the firm’s social media page may improve a firm’s performance with respect to building the brand and enabling customer acquisition.