
Innovation Circle of Marketing e.V. donates € 2,000 to the Corona emergency fund for students

For many students, the current situation is extremely stressful. The loss of many part-time jobs due to the outbreak of Covid-19 poses great financial challenges for students.

Initiated by Professor Manfred Krafft, the Innovation Circle of Marketing e.V. (IKM) supports the joint initiative of the University board, the University Association Muenster e.V., the WWU Muenster Foundation and the General Students Committee (AStA) to collect donations for students in need. With the donation of € 2,000 in the first week of the fund-raising campaign, IKM has sent a strong signal to support students in these difficult times. The financial support is aimed at needy students in the field of marketing and business administration.

With the collected money of the Corona emergency fund, one-time grants of until € 450 can be provided. After three weeks, the fund has collected already more than € 310,000. The donations will be collected and paid out by the University of Muenster to students in need after consultation and examination according to defined guidelines and recommendation by the AStA.

The Innovation Circle of Marketing e.V. has been founded by Professor Krafft and several PhD students at the Chair of Marketing Management in June 2003. This association serves as a forum for exchanging current and novel insights in marketing theory and practice. IKM aims at initiating and supporting research on innovative marketing concepts, and provides financial as well as non-material support for marketing education both at a regional and international level. You can find more information here.