Research - IAS

Business-to-business marketing and the use and further development of multivariate methods of analysis are traditionally the IAS's main areas of research. The chair's research program is constantly being enriched by the addition of interesting current fields of marketing research such as phenomena of the sharing economy, modular upgradable products, early customer integration or scenario analysis.

The research projects carried out at the  IAS have resulted in numerous publications. The latter include two well-known standard works – Industriegütermarketing (Business-to-Business Marketing) and Multivariate Analysemethoden (Multivariate Methods of Analysis). Findings produced by research conducted at the chair have found their way into more than 70 doctoral theses and a large number of working papers. The high quality of these publications is mirrored in the fact that the authors have received a series of awards.

As the IAS sets great store by research with a markedly practical bias, most of its research projects are carried out in co-operation with companies.

The Research Centre for Goods Traffic Marketing, which is affiliated to the IAS, is a permanent institution. As its name suggests, the Centre deals with problems connected with goods traffic. It helps freight traffic companies to carry out marketing projects and market studies.

Additional research projects relating to contemporary problems are currently under way at the IAS. The following list is an extract from an IAS document:


Münster Zukünfte 20|30|50 - strategisch Zukunft gestalten, kurzfristig handeln

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CrowdStrom - Ladedienste durch Kleinanbieter
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it´s OWL - Intelligente Technische Systeme OstWestfalenLippe
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A considerable number of research projects have already been successfully completed at the IAS. A selection of projects can be found in the following table: - Innovative Geschäftsmodelle für Sicherheit von Netzversorgungsinfrastrukturen

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IdW: Perspektive des Berufsstands der Wirtschaftsprüfer 2025 - Eine Szenarioanalyse

ServDea – Produktivitätsbenchmarking industrieller Dienstleistungen: Entwicklung und Evaluation von Adaptionen der Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

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ServPay – Zahlungsbereitschaften für Geschäftsmodelle produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen