Marketing Strategy in Action (SoSe 2024)








Tag Zeit Häufigkeit Datum Raum
Dienstag 12:00- 14:00 Uhr wöchentlich 09.04.2024- 16.07.2024 Juridicum, JUR 490
Mittwoch 14:00- 16:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 10.04.2024  
Montag 14:00- 16:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 27.05.2024  
Dienstag 12:00- 14:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 16.07.2024  


Syllabus & Zeitplan zu diesem Kurs sind im Learnweb zu finden.


Kontaktperson: Lena Kamp, M.Sc.


Der Kurs findet in beiden Terms des Sommersemesters statt. 


Eine verbindliche Anmeldung über dieses Formular ist nötig. Die Deadline ist der 31. März 2024.


Prüfungsleistung: Simulationsspiel mit zugehöriger Präsentation (in der Gruppe) (100%)

Studienleistung (unbenotet): Eingangsklausur (individuell) | Präsentation (in der Gruppe)


Bitte registrieren Sie sich beim Prüfungsamt für die reguläre Prüfungsphase.


Credit-Punkte: 6 ECTS (BWL PO 2019)


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Target group
The seminar is open to Bachelor students with an interest in Marketing and international students.

Background and relations to other courses
It is more important now than ever before for students to be able to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical environment. Giving students the skills to improve their strategic long-term orientation is a key goal of this course. In a computer-simulated environment, each team is responsible for implementing tactics which force teams to look beyond the immediate gain to be had from each of their decisions. Students will be able to accurately gauge the success or failure of their strategies over time, making this simulation a risk-free method for improving skills, for testing alternatives, and for building confidence. The simulation program therefore enforces the combination of strategic long-term orientation and tactics and extends the normal learning methods. Students will have to actively manage the three fundamental resources of a firm: value equity (products/services), brand equity, and relationship equity (customer relationships).

Main topics and learning objectives
This course builds on students’ knowledge of marketing management and focuses on how firms can formulate market-driven business strategies. Furthermore, this course broadens students’ understanding of product innovation management, as well as effective product portfolio management in a dynamic market environment. The objectives of this course are to enable students to do the following:

(1) Define a business strategy and goals, and select target products/markets in order to gain a profitable and sustainable competitive advantage.
(2) Identify external threats and opportunities concerning customers, competitors, and the environment that a business might face.
(3) Assess a business's strengths and weaknesses in relation to those of competitors, and determine external factors that might add to a competitive advantage.
(4) Design and implement products to fit a target group, as well as market needs.
(5) Apply analytical tools to market strategy development.

Teaching modes
The course content of Marketing Strategy in Action will be group work. Presence in the introductory course, the final presentations as well as in the strategy presentation of your respective group is mandatory, and active course participation is required.
The computer simulation game – Markstrat – is used as a pedagogical tool. Students’ participation in the game is therefore mandatory. The game objective is to increase the simulated company’s value, as expressed by the stock price index. This index consolidates key figures such as the market share and sales.


  • Professor Dr. Manfred Krafft (verantwortlich)
  • Lena Kamp (begleitend)